Hello, I just joined this site in hopes of maybe getting some help or answers to some questions I have..I have quite a few but really it comes down to: Do you think it's likely I have diabetes? I'm sorry for the REALLY long and detailed post...
I know you're probably thinking, well if you think you have diabetes, get to a doctor and get tested!
The problem is I don't have any health insurance and spent 5 hours at a walk in clinic exactly one week ago in hopes of getting answers but am left with only more questions..
I'm a 27 yr old female. About 5 years back I had some blood work done for a job and on one of the results sheets it basically stated I am high risk for diabetes/had pre diabetes? This was a while ago and I didn't take it too seriously since I felt great and didn't really know what it meant, just thought I basically have it in my genes since my maternal grandfather and grandmother both have it.
Well fast forward a couple years ahead,(about 3 yrs ago) I was put on meds that made me seriously crave sugar/sweets. After about 3yrs of taking the meds and being addicted to sugar and gaining 50 lbs, I decided I have had enough. I used to feel like I was beautiful and was very happy with my normal weight which ranged between 120-135 lbs at 5'7". A little over a month ago I weighed in at 170 lbs and started a hard core diet. On the hcg diet (taking rx hcg drops and on a very low calorie diet of 500 cals a day) I lost about 21 lbs in 25 days.
First Symptom Maybe?
A month before I started the diet I noticed a rash around my lips, thought I was allergic to a certain chap stick. Only over the past 1-2 months the rash constantly clears up then appears again gradually spreading over other areas of my face and body. Right now it's on my eye lids, under my nose, lips, back of my neck and chest but is starting to clear up again. Very itchy, red and irritating, even leaks clear thin fluid sometimes if I scratch it. Using benadryl and other creams only seem to spread it and make it worse. This may be the first possible symptom?
After 2 days of taking the hcg drops and being on the very low calorie diet, I woke up early one morning out of a deep sleep with my heart racing like crazy. I felt starving and was craving salt so I ate a bunch of crackers and the next thing I know I'm violently throwing up for hours until around noon I have a couple bites of an italian ice and suddenly start to feel fine.I'm guessing this was due to really low blood sugar?
Decided to continue the diet, thinking I'll just have some fruit if I start to feel sick again. Well over the past month other symptoms have been starting to show up besides the rash that comes and goes. Feel very weak, very tired constantly. Thought it was the diet. A week ago, right after I stopped the diet and drops, I notice fingers on both hands (except my thumbs) get numb and tingly and it lasts over an hr. A couple days ago, I notice my feet and lower legs will feel the same way, it comes and goes but will last a long time. I'm also getting migraines these past couple days. I feel dizzy when I get up, once I kind of blacked out for a second.
Last week I went to a walk in clinic in hopes of getting a blood test to see if I have diabetes and find out what this rash is. The day before I went, I stopped the diet and started eating more carbs, so my blood sugar for the day was fine, at 71. The doctor saw me and said she thinks my rash is an allergic reaction to something but I really don't think it is. There really is nothing I've been using consistently and I started the diet after the rash appeared. Also, I have tried using allergic reaction creams and stuff, but none work. Regardless, she prescribed me steroid creams for the rash and ordered for me to have blood work done. The total amount of time it took at that office was around 5 hrs but I was glad I'd hopefully be finally getting some answers from the blood work. She said it would take 2 days for the diabetes test to come back. I call 3 days later only to find out they never even tested me for diabetes! She only ordered a blood count!
Here's the thing..diabetes is basically when your blood sugar is too high right? So why do I seem to be getting all these symptoms after I start the diet when it's way more likely my blood sugar is too low than too high? That's what doesn't make sense to me..
Also, if I do go back and get tested for diabetes, doesn't it get my average blood sugar for the past 3 months? Wouldn't me being on a very low carb diet for a month affect the test, even if I do have the test done? If it's not diabetes, then what the heck could be wrong with me?
I'm sorry for the super long post, but I would greatly appreciate any input, advice at all!