It's like my body is finding ways to make managing diabetes as difficult as possible. Lately I've been having so many different kinds of problems (pump rejection, uncontrollable high blood sugars, scar tissue, and so on), but now it's added a new weapon to its arsenal and it's even scarier than anything that's come before it.
I won't go into detail about the previous problems since they aren't as pressing as this last one (and I'm seeing the endo yet again in a few days to continue trying to fix them), but this latest one is more of a "right now" problem and I can't wait until Friday for an answer.
So here's the thing: In a nutshell my numbers have been absurdly low for the last two days. It started Saturday night when I bolused for dinner (I'm MDI again until the endo can figure out why I'm rejecting the pump) and one hour later my numbers started dropping rapidly. I corrected, tested, waited, and the dropped again, and again, and again, until I had consumed an entire 2-Liter of Pepsi and 10 glucose tablets in a period of two-and-a-half hours. Finally it stabilized long enough for me to go to bed feeling somewhat confident I'd wake up the next morning. The next day was fine until dinner again. I bolused, ate, and two hours later dropped low again. That's when the all night marathon started. From 12:00 am to 5:30 am I consumed 850 grams of carbs in various forms just to keep my blood sugar barely above 50 (keep in mind that my ratio is 8 grams to 50 mg/dl so in other words I raised my blood sugar by a cumulative 5312 mg/dl over five-and-a-half hours without going over 56 mg/dl once all night). Finally, around 5:30 I "spiked" up to 97, then 114, then 129 in a half hour so tired and beaten I went to bed.
I woke up at 10 am with a bg of 193. By noon it was 87 without any correction on my part. I ate lunch without taking any insulin and at 3 pm I was 53. I corrected, jumped to a perfect 100 within an hour and then dropped again to 60, 30 minutes later. Corrected again, jumped again to 102, and then kept climbing until I hit 336 (keep in mind I had not taken any insulin for my lunch, and the only insulin in my body was my decreased shot of Lantus the night before (normally I take 25 units at bedtime, but I took only 12 due to my numbers). So at dinner I decided to bolus since I was so high and wouldn't you know it an hour later I was in the gutter again with an mg/dl of 41 (this was only a few hours ago by now).
So right now I'm sitting here typing this after 32 oz of apple juice and another 40 grams of carbs worth of bread and my bg is 80.
Here are my thoughts:
1st I'm thinking it's the Lantus. The night this all started I had just started a new Solostar Pen and so I'm thinking it's a bad (super-potent?) batch. The problem with that theory is that the problems started before I took my first shot from that pen. It was the same night, but first came the massive low and then came the shot of Lantus a few hours later.
2nd I thought about Celiac Disease. If I'm not digesting all those carbs immediately that could explain the low numbers immediately after bolusing. But there are two problems there. First, I was just tested for that and many other complications as part of a normal routine with my endo, and I was negative on all counts.Second, the low I had today after lunch wasn't even caused by a shot of Humalog because I didn't take my shot. And besides, all those carbs I ate last night would have eventually come back to bite me if it was Celiac even if it was hours later.
3rd (my wife's theory) is the Pepto Bismol I started taking a few days ago for some stomach discomfort. I've never had problems of any kind with Pepto, but my wife thinks that perhaps it's somehow increasing my sensitivity to insulin. But then why am I having the same trouble today even though I haven't had any Pepto since last night?
4th the universe is a cruel kid with a magnifying glass and right now I'm in her cross-hairs . . . wouldn't that be a nice, simple answer . . .
So I come to you good people once more looking for help. I need help! If it weren't for my wife and kids I'd check myself into the hospital and stay there until Friday when the endo will see me, but I can't, so I won't, so now I need to try and figure this before I have one-too-many all-nighters or before the BG goes too low before I have a chance to do something about it.
Help, please!