I'm still here

I sincerely appreciate the support. Last night was a late night at the ER as my husbands sugars were high (400's). I would have to say that he has somewhat fallen off of the wagon and I am trying with everything that I have to help him get back on. He's checked out. So I had a suspicion that his pump was defective. He has a Medtronic Minimed. So I am working with his doctor and nurses to try to get him backup insulin and get a new "infusion set" for him. I am trying to learn to remember that he is not his genuine self when his sugars are high. It is hard when he is sometimes mean to me and our 3 girls. Today is a "fake it till I make it kind of day". I am trying to be supportive of him. Feels good to be around people that maybe deal with this too. I hope you all have a nice day and take it easy. ttyl

we are all here to help you just talk to us & we will do our best

Continue to be strong and hang in there. Yes, we will always be here for you because we have lived through the same events or very close to the same as you. I think you're doing a great job helping and being there for your husband. The Medtronic 1 800 number has helped me when things went wrong and were pretty fast. I pray all goes well tonight.

His doctor talked to him on the phone for a little while about him doing the shots for a little while. He seems to be a little better so I will see hoe it goes and support him along the way. I hope you all had a good day. Goodnight.

Clover, has your husband been using the pump for a while? If so, does he rotate his catheter placement sites routinely on his abdomen (ie., not using the same area over and over again)? I've been pumping for 18 years, and I've developed a fair amount of scar tissue (and lipomas) under my skin. If the catheter is implanted in an area that has lumps or is hardened, the insulin absorption is most likely going to be really bad. It is important to keep rotating the sites on his abdomen; in fact, I even implant the catheter in the back of my arms or towards the top of my thighs to give my abdomen a 1-2 week break sometimes. Can feel like a "pin cushion" otherwise. Bless your heart for sticking with him. My wife somehow manages to deal with my "diabetic monster" as well when my BG runs high. I assure you that he doesn't mean to be mean...it's the high glucose in his brain messing with his thoughts. :)