Increase Fat Intake without Raising blood sugar?

Hi Lynne,

Yes, me too. I have always been on the thin side. I am 41. I am OK with the size 0 I guess (well not really but …) I am not sure I want to wear kiddie jeans - I don’t think they are tailored for a woman’s form. I wish I could wear the skinny jeans but my knees are too big boned.

It actually doesn’t bother me to be 100 - I once weighed this back in my 20’s and I wasn’t on a diet (that was over 15 years before D) but I was just really active and athletic - I wore the size 0’s than. I never went below 100 no matter what I did. I have often wondered if our bodies know what our low weight will be and won’t go below it - as long as one continues eating that is and don’t have an eating disorder.

Some people gain weight with insulin so hopefully Lil Mama will benefit from this - or least be able to eat more.

I would like to avoid the weight gain with insulin :wink: lol I’ve always been really little I am just petite as people say. I weighed 98 lbs when I got married 5 years ago, gained 85 lbs with my gestational pregnancy 4 years ago and have weighed 100-112 since so I am really not that much smaller I think I am just losing inches from low carbing.