Version 2.0: I did some rewording. Thanks for the feedback!
Insulin on board (IOB) is a feature of most modern insulin pumps. For our Glucosurfer project we integrated this useful estimation too. But our take on the IOB is a little bit different:
OmniPod IOB:
In a perfect world we always count our carb correctly to the gram. In combination with a perfect I:C the injected insulin and digested carbs will neutralize each other. Just an additional correction for a previous blood glucose that was elevated needs our attention. Here the OmniPod just calculates the IOB from the previous corrections. With this approach it will prevent that we will add another correction on top when the next blood glucose is still elevated.
Perspective: in theory this is correct but practically we all have different experiences with huge loads of insulin on board. Just additional physical activity can amplify the effect of insulin for example. So the total has an important information in itself that is missing here.
Medtronic IOB (or Cozmo IOB):
They count all the previous injections for the calculation of the IOB.
Perspective: here the IOB acts as a good reminder of all the insulin that is still active.
Flaws in the bolus wizard:
Lets imagine you have 150 mg/dl now and you want to eat 30g of carbs. The bolus wizard will calculate a correction of 0.5 plus 30/15 = 2 => 2.5 units in total.
This has been clarified now: Pumps like the Medtronic will calculate the total IOB. So the IOB might warn that 3 units are still active. But then and this is interesting it will subtract only the correction part of the IOB from the calculated dosage like this: 2.5 - 0.5 = 2 units (if 0.5 units where left from a previous correction). What happens if there was previously no correction? Will it then suggest a total of 0.5 plus 30/15 => 2.5 units?
On the OmniPod the IOB of 3 would mean that correction insulin is still active. So the 150 mg/dl would not need an additional correction. The result would be just 30/15 = 2 units for the carbs to digest. The problem I see is that this number is always subracted from the total the bolus wizard has calculated not from the correction estimate alone.
Compromise is bliss:
1. show the total IOB.
2. apply the IOB to the calculated correction ONLY and reduce it to 0 if neccessary. This is actually as I have just learned like the Medtronic pumps are working.
Again the example: 150mg/dl now, 30g to eat, IOB of 3 from the previous meal. This will lead to 30/15 = 2 units for the carbs. The correction of 0.5 for the 150mg/dl will be reduced to 0 according to the IOB of 3. Here the nature of the IOB (just for carbs, just for correction, correction plus carbs) will not matter anymore.
This is how we calculate and use the IOB for our Glucosurfer App. In my opinion this combination of both worlds offers the best approach. It acts as a warning and prevents the stacking of corrections at the same time.
Are you all aware of these potential problems? Have I been to general in my evaluation? Can you make adjustments to your pump algorithms to make them work like I suggest here?