Hey y’all. I would like some advice. My endo started me on Levimir and Novolog a few months ago to help control my BG. I am already up to 60 units of Levimir at bedtime and don’t see any difference in my fasting levels. I also was injecting quite a bit of Novolog without seeing a big difference most of the time. I don’t have a lot of experience with carb counting or much of an idea how many carbs I can realistically eat. I do seem to be very insulin resistant. I know my pancreas is making enough insulin b/c I just had blood work done.
Is anyone else out there very insulin resistant and do you have luck with insulin therapy to control blood sugar?
So let me just make a few random comments. They may be helpful, or they may just be random.
If you are (highly) insulin resistant, you may need to take large insulin doses to bring your blood sugar under control.
If you have been experiencing ongoing high blood sugars (which it seems you have been), that in itself will result in insulin resistance. High blood sugar levels and high insulin levels induce insulin resistance.
If you have high levels of insulin, but it is insufficient to bring your blood sugar under control that is an indication (but not proof) of insulin resistance.
If you eat low carb, it will reduce you insulin needs and make blood sugar control easier. And I mean low carb, the lower the better.
You should work closely with your endo to adjust your insulin levels, despite fear that seemingly high levels are needed to bring your blood sugar under control.
You may well find that once your blood sugar is normalized, your insulin demands are reduced.
Hope that is helpful and not just random like usual.
Very helpful actually…thank you! So you think it is worth plugging away at the insulin despite apparent resistance?
Just to add a bit to BSC comments. Insulin resistance is a b**ch. Try asking your doctor to add 2000 or so mg of metformin per day does marvels for some diabetics. avandia also works for some. More insulin can be self defeating as more insulin probably causes more resistance. Very very low carb diet until this gets better. all the exercise you can do. a slightly hypocaloric diet also a big plus.
It is very important to get your blood sugar down to normal levels. An HbA1c over 8% is way too high. You are a smart young man with a life of opportunity ahead of you. Insulin “will” work, give it an opportunity. And Anthony’s suggestion on metformin and other medications is great. I am on Actos as I’ve been a bit concerned about Avandia.
Keep the faith, be diligent and aggressive and you will get things under control.
Hiya! I was taking 400 units of Humalog a day and was not in good control. I have recently started taking Metformin 2000 mg and have started taking 90 units of Lantus. I am now in great control, but I’m still having to take 50 units of Humalog with meals. I think if you are type 2, definitely ask about the Metformin. That is what made all the difference in my sugars.
Excercise/walking will also help insulin resistance to a degree as well. I definitely find that walkiing AFTER dinner, my fasting numbers are somewhat better. Learning to carb count can be an asset as well and matching your humalog to your carb intake. When I started to carb count and cover for my carbs, I realized just how many carbs I was takign in and cut it down ddrastically without feelign very deprived.
I appreciate all of this great advice. This group is awesome
I would take a carb counting class… Your endocronologist’s office should offer one… It isn’t too difficult and it would help…
Go back to your doctor and tell him/her what is going on… There must be a dosage that will match the carbs you are eating. Some people just require more insulin…
I take a total of 35 units a day of Novolog in my insulin pump… That is probably quite low compared to other people.
Using Insulin, Everything You Need for Success With Insulin (paperback)
The above are 2 great books to assist you with what you need to know. However, starting immediately, I would recommend that you talk to your doctor and find out what your I/C (Insulin to Carb) Ratio is. If you don’t know this simple equation, it will be much harder to gauge how much insulin to take. Exercise is EXTREMELY effective in not only controlling your blood sugars, but the amount of insulin you take. Second, be mindful that very fatty and high protein foods effect your blood sugars drastically. You’ll need to spend a lot of time knowing your body. Each type of insulin and brand, effects each individual differently. you’ll have to do a lot of trail and error. But be forewarned… While insulin is a wonderful tool in controlling sugars, it’s serious business. make sure you are aware at all times how your body feels. In addition ALL WAYS HAVE BACK UP!!! Glucose tabs, juice, cellphone, extra needles, strips, etc… the beautiful thing I love about Novolog and Levemir, is that I have not experienced any additional weight gain… I actually managed to loose some weight… However, having said that, it doesn’t mean I don’t have to watch what I eat. It’s really feels nice to have that freedom…
After reading some of these insulin dosages. i’ll never complain about my 15 units a meal again.