Intermittent Fasting and Metformin

I’m just diagnosed, and it freaked me out. Have been doing both low carb and IF. Recently just eating dinner, but not opposed to adding in lunch. Do you have a minimum calorie goal? With one meal, including a glass of red wine, I am under 1000 calories a day. It’s probably stress, but I haven’t wanted more to eat.

Prescribed Metformin (1500/day) and Ozempic. Only good news is I lost 15 pounds the first week, but my numbers are still in 130s. Doesn’t make sense to me. Any thoughts?

Can anyone advise how to take Metformin if you are skipping breakfast?

I would ask my doctor for the extended release tablets (XR) instead of straight Metformin and I would take them in the evening after that meal.
Most diabetics don’t count calories, we count carbs in a meal and attempt to lower our carbs. Some people eat just 30 carbs a day and others range between that and 100 carbs a day, it all depends on your sensitivity to carbohydrates. Following a keto diet is a good idea.

Thanks for the advice. I’ll talk to my doctor.

you really shouldn’t fast with metformin as you can be at risk of lactic acidosis. as above I’d stick to low carb

I would suggest taking a diabetes education class ,and see a dietitian . This would help with learning,insurance companies cover the cost. Veggies,protein are a good start. Plus walk8ng. Good luck. Welcome to the group. I eat a modified diet,oatmeal in the morning, decreasing carbs as the meals go by. I do my exercise in the morn8ng. Good luck. Do your homework and find what works for you. .Nancy 50