Is it normal to feel ill when BS is high?

Hi Everyone,

When my BS is high I get a low grade fever and general malaise. Doctor said high BS shuts down immune system. Recently did treatment for hep C that involved interferon which revs up immune system.

Does anyone else experience ill symptoms or is it my particular medical history? It’s a good incentive to control BS!


How high is high, in your case? I don’t get a fever, but the thirst and urination and tiredness when the BG hits around 270 is a killer. I wear a CGMS to nip all high and low BG’s in the bud!

Thanks for your response June. My highs reach into the 300-400’s so certainly don’t contribute to feeling of well being. I suppose the fever is residual from treatment. Very befuddling and the docs don’t have a clue.

A CGMS would definitely help but don’t have insurance. I’ll see about financial aid.

I feel nauseated and lousy when my blood sugars are high. I agree, it is an incentive for better management.

I get night sweats when my sugar is high (<400), also exhaustion and general feeling of not being well. Since I have been taking 5,000 IU of Vit D3 a day, I have not had one respiratory infection, and I feel so much better! Vit D3 gives the immune system a boost. This might not be good in a person with an auto-immune disease (T1D), but it beats the heck out of getting the flu! I have not yet been started on insulin…new Type 1 with an insulin allergy. I just hope they can do the allergy testing ASAP before I have to go in the hospital from the high blood sugars!

Muscle pain, delayed immune response and cramps are common symptoms when glucose is high. Remember that high glucose for long term, leads to chronic complications, a really good reason to fight high blood glucose.
Mauro Scharf, MD, Brazil.

I get high blood sugars as a result of running low grade fevers. My body does not react to insulin as well and I feel poorly: Often much higher than normal sugars; thus needing to up both basal and bolus rates, are my very first indication that I am running a low-grade fever and infection… I just had a bad cold last week and had to raise my basal rates and bolusses significantly to keep out of DKA : I took a 3-day round of antibiotics prescribed by my internist …Now I am well and back to the regular dosing regimen.

I have not had the high blood sugars to cause the infections, just be an aftereffect OF the infections

God Bless,

When my levels get high over 300s+ I usually start feeling a bit sick… And really thirsty and always having to go to the bathroom, along with being tired. I don’t get a fever though or anything of the sorts…

When I am low I get sweaty… VERY sweaty and hot.

High blood sugars turn me into a drowsy, lethargic, brain-fog monster.

for me, my sugar gets high, my ketones go up, and there you have it: mild symptoms of ketosis.
nausia, thirst, lightheadedness, dizzyness, headaches, hunger.
Drs have called me hypersensitive… but that’s just me!

When I was first diagnosed, I experienced “flu-like” symptoms for 3 days: body mallaise, feverish, nausea, vomitting, exhaustion and lost of appetite. My bg was a soaring 399! I also thought it was a flu until I lost consciouness and brought to the hospital. I also observed that whenever I feel the same today (but not as much magnitude as I was first diagnosed), I usually can tell my bg is in the 200 and up range. Testing verifies my fear.

If my blood sugar is really high, I will actually throw up. And I altogether just feel like crap, headach, stomachach so on and so forth. I dont think it is just you.

All of these symptoms are typical of high blood sugar. I get cotton mouth, and just feel icky over all. I do have night sweats sometimes and this could also be a result of high sugars. The CGMS seem’s to be the way to go.

Post the few sergical procedures Ive had my BS has hit the 500s. I increase insuling accordingly. But this is due to the procedure Im told.

If I get high BS, I get parched, bathroom breaks, and stomage cramps.

Yes, I generally feel like crap, with nonspecific symptoms that make me feel like, well, crap.

hahahaha. Well put!

I experiece same symptoms of everyone’s postings, less the fever. Diabetic for 16 yrs & I think affects me more than it did in the past. And when I’m on the roller coaster of high low high low, I really feel wiped out:)

It depends on what is causing the High, and how ill I will feel. If it is a complete lack of insulin(bad site etc.), I feel downright sick. I’ll just feel like I could puke at any moment. I believe ketones may have to do with that?

If it is a random high because I miscalculated carbs, and didn’t give proper insulin…I will feel thirsty, and lethargic. However, I won’t feel sick to my stomach.

At least, that is how the situation seems to me.

I just get downright cranky…I go off on people for no reason. Its bad. There are days I wake up and feel good. Then I get a high BG and then I just feel like offloading how I feel to the world. It doesn’t always work out so well. All I can say is my wife is a STRONG woman to put up with all my cr@p

Now that sounds like me the unloading part. Yes my husband is a strong man! LOL!