I am a new type 1 diabetic and have had my blood sugar pretty well under control since I have been diagnosed. It has been about 4 months and I had my first a1c check and i was at 5.9%!! Now all of a sudden without changing anything it seems like my blood sugar is ALWAYS high. I was at a 1:12 ratio and I changed it to 1:10 because it has been so crazy high for the past like month… and it is still so high! I am thinking about adding more to my long acting too… it is just so annoying because I literally just went to see all of my doctors and no problems were happening until all of my appointments were over! I have been trying to think of a possible reason for this, am I doing something wrong? Everything has stayed the same, my eating habits, I have been exercising a little more often (but shouldn’t that lower it?)… the only thing I can think of is that my honeymoon phase could be over? I know you all can’t give me medical advice or anything and you don’t know my specific situation… I was just wondering if anyone has any ideas or if anything similar has happened to anyone else?
“I have been exercising a little more often” I guess there are some lows due to it and hence consequently you keep hitting highs. Also if you have a lower body weight there is a good chance that u never have feel a low. Further u said u had 5.9 while on shots. i am really skeptical about that!! there is a fairly good chance u had quite many lows during that period.
Please do not misunderstand me, i am not saying i do not trust the value or you. what i mean to say you could be experiencing BS swings during that time.
also please provide us details with a daily dosage and a day’s worth of BS??? and your body weight.
Hi Robyn,
It’s possible that your honeymoon is nearing an end. Insulin doses change frequently for us all. Things that can effect increased BG are illness, hormones, medication, caffeine, activity level & stress. Being dehydrated also causes higher BG.
Exercise for many Type 1s, depending on how strenuous, can cause an increase (adrenaline) followed by a low later.
Weight shouldn’t effect feeling a low, regarding Chris’ suggestion. I’m very thin & feel lows immediately.
Increase your bolus insulin to keep your BG at target range & correct as needed. It depends if the highs are fasting, after meals or between meals if you need to increase your basal as well. You can check your basal dose by skipping a meal & testing to see how level your BG is. It takes several days to get a good basal picture by skipping different meals on different days.
It is very likely that the honeymoon is over. I had more than 16 months in honeymoon but this depends on the reaction of the immune system against the beta cells.
Please test your basal rate to determine your current basal needs.
Yes it might be . I’m T1 Diabetic for five months now and still in the Honeymoon stage. While on shot I had a lot of low BG readings, In the honeymoon stage your still making a little insulin. I am on the Pump now and my BG is closer to target still have lows but they are more controlled. My Endo told me as soon as I start getting high BG readings that he wants to see me because my honeymoon might be over.That means he wants to change my pump settins.So I think you should talk to your Endo about the Insulin pumps.
It’s quite possible the honeymoon period is over, it can last from a few months to a year. But wouldn’t your HCPs also tell you that’s what’s likely happening? Having type 1 I have an odd blood sugar at times and wonder what happened when I didn’t change anything, but they’re isolated, not continuous. I’d check with a cde. riva