As many of you that have been kind enough to follow and answer my other thread know my doc has been less than willing to order much in the way of testing, prefering to poo-poo my concerns of a developing DM problem. Consequently, I’ve been left out in the cold to fish around for answers on my own…and at my own expense as my insurance company won’t pay for anything since my doc won’t give me even a pre-diabetes diagnosis.
I was able to find a supplier from which I could buy an A1C monitor that I can use at home and I tested at 6.0. Many of you have suggested getting a C-peptide blood test but doc is stonewalling and digging his heels in on this one. Is there suppliers of home test kits for C-peptide levels? I’d like to purchase one and give it a whirl. If I can show real evidence of an insulin decrease/shut-down I’m hoping that my physician will finally stop sleeping at the wheel and admit there’s a problem brewing.
Hi Maureen,
I’m not aware of such a test. After a quick search, I couldn’t find one. Your A1C of 6.0 is indicative of pre-diabetes, borderline diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance, whatever you want to call it. It’s all the same to me, your body is either not making enough insulin (less likely), or you’re becoming insulin resistant (far more likely).
I think the best advice anyone can give you is to follow the basics for type two. That is, a low carb, high nutrient diet and moderate daily exercise. Preferably in a relaxed setting. It helps in any case. If your glucose levels settle down, then you’re on the right track. If they continue to bounce all around, then some more tests would be indicated.
Some here have mentioned a trial and error thing. I think that’s a good idea. Monitoring your BGL while trying different diet strategies has a way of revealing diet deficiencies or excesses.
I suggested in my email to eliminate dairy from your diet as a means to see if that might be a contributor. This article highlights some concerns: Milk Article
Here’s another: Another milk article
The human body is a remarkably resilient organism that can do miracles if given the proper tools. Modern medicine cannot begin to replicate what our bodies can do. A close examination reveals that 99.9% of drugs manufactured today are designed to make big pharmaceuticals lots of money while merely reducing symptoms. Very few indeed cure anything at all. Same can be said for big food industries. Profit comes first, all else takes a back seat.
Focusing your efforts on proper nourishment and adequate daily exercise will go a long ways toward improving your life regardless of the diagnosis. It wouldn’t hurt to check out Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s book, “Eat to Live”. Learning more about nutrition has been the single most beneficial thing I’ve ever done for myself. It has helped all aspects of my life.