Just started back on Omnipod

It works.

And we have a screaming Pod today! lol

He changed his Pod and discarded it by mistake as opposed to disabling it.

But I remembered! The new gen Pods have a spot on the back where you can insert a safety pin or paper clip and it turns it off.


I had my first screamer in a long time recently. I was at a party, so it was pretty noisy and no one noticed. I went to the bathroom. It had a tile floor, and I was wearing a pair of boots. I smashed the pod with my heel. Problem solved.

As Mike noted, there are a few (just two, I believe ā€“ Pod failure, and empty resevoir) turn you into a walking klaxon. And it IS incredibly irritating, especially if you donā€™t have your PDM (the controller) right there to cancel it. There is a failsafe ā€“ a hole you can poke a paperclip through, press something, and shut it off ā€“ but you have to rip the pod off to get to it.

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Mike, Iā€™ve had a pod stop talking to the PDM (probably a radio failure in the pod or something) and be only silencable through the paperclip trick. Thank god for that!

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Curious: 0.05U/hr is too high a basal for you?

As a T2 with an I:C 1:5, such figures seem almost like an entirely different species to me :wink: :smile:

Most but not all those beeps can be eliminated by turning off the various alerts and reminders (Settings->System Settings->Alerts/Reminders), AND turning on vibration (Settings->Vibration).

There seem to be some things that canā€™t be disabled, but if vibration is on it vibrates instead of beeping.


Thanks, Dave. Iā€™m glad the Oā€™pod works well for you and so many other people. For me itā€™s a moot point. I went through a whole series of occlusions and failed pods. The final pod occluded and the screeching alarm combined with the +250 overall malaise was the straw that broke the camelā€™s back for me. Maybe I was just unlucky by getting into a bad lot of pods. In any case, I was happy and relieved to get back to my Animas pump. I gave the pods a five-month trial. Itā€™s great we have some choice.

Iā€™ve had occlusion events with my tubed pump but theyā€™ve been far fewer. Whenever I have unexplained higher BGs that slowly march upward and itā€™s the third day, I abandon the current set and swap it out.

Iā€™m looking forward to the Medtronic/BD infusion sets with FlowSmart technology. Theyā€™ve added another perforation on the side of the cannula so that occlusion likelihood is reduced. Iā€™m puzzled it has taken them so long to bring this to market. The FDA approved it in April 2015.

I completely understand, Terry. Some people like chocolate, others vanilla. Itā€™s all good ā€“ itā€™s ice cream :smile:

I had a lot of Pod Errors and ā€œocclusionsā€ that obviously werenā€™t when I first started, which coincided with the release of the new gen pods. Most of that was getting the ā€œkinksā€ out of the new design.

I havenā€™t had a failure now for a very long time ā€“ probably nearly 2 years. I have had occlusions, but they are always real occlusions now. Usually when I administer a bolus, then forget and lie on the pod compressing it on my arm. Thatā€™s a no-no, almost guaranteed to occlude.

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I recently got a new PDM because I drowned my other one in some hard cider. The newest version does not beep incessantly when a pod expires at 72 hours. My PDM now beeps to tell me the pod has expired then I get a full 7 hours with no beeping then it beeps every 15 minutes in the 79th hour. It is awesome because I wear every pod for 80 hours and now I can sleep through the expiration time. It still has the stupid 1.5 hour post pod change beeping though.

I tested our first pod and let it go to the time limit (3 days + 8 hours) and it did start with a siren sound after that time. The sound was from the POD itself, and it could be shut off with the PDM (or with paperclip in the back as I understand, but I used the PDM because it was 2AM when it went off and I couldnā€™t find a paperclip OR the hole to stick it in. If anyone has a close up of the spot to stick the paperclip in on the Omnipod, Iā€™d love to see it. :slight_smile:

You drowned your PDM in hard cider? I can think of worse ways to go. Like the time I accidentally drowned my pager in a toilet full of pee on the last day of residency training. Good timesā€¦

I have a pee proof case for my iPhone for exactly that reason

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Yep. Same here re Omnipod. I went back to MDI after way too many pod failures and occlusions. It just wasnā€™t working for me.

My A1c has dropped now that Iā€™m back on MDI, and, if I go back to a pump, it will be a tubed one, for now. I canā€™t have all that beeping and buzzing in the work that I do. All I need are vibrating reminders even if itā€™s something serious. Iā€™ve got my CGM as backup, and Iā€™ll fix it. I donā€™t need or want to deal with screaming pods.

Thereā€™s a way to set up things on vibrate now. I was running through it with my doctor. Iā€™m not too worried about the sounds as its actually not that loud because I was at the gym in the middle of a training session and I had a failure because of the exercises I was doing and didnā€™t even hear it until an hour later that I heard a weird beeping. Though I donā€™t carry the PDM on me. It stays in my gym bag in a secure area.

Hahaha @rgcainmd

Whether it was or not, itā€™s still amusing.
At least NOW.

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Iā€™m curious though - if there is an occlusion with other pump brands (I used a Minimed years and years ago but donā€™t remember) the notification is not audible? You can set that to vibrate only? Again, just curious as occlusions are not singular to the OmniPod.

What, residency training?


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[quote=ā€œClare3, post:30, topic:56164, full:trueā€]
I recently got a new PDM because I drowned my other one in some hard cider.[/quote]
I scored a new PDM last month 'cause the internal battery that retains time/date between AAA battery changes died, so my PDM would cancel out any pod I had on when changing the PDM batteries. Even if I did my best to line it up with a pod change, I still couldnā€™t use the bolus calculator for 3.5 hours because it forgets IOB too.

Anyway, I had ONE MONTH LEFT on the warranty on the PDM! Thank God, so I got a free brand new one. And, a brand new warranty too!

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[quote=ā€œfit_momma_16, post:35, topic:56164, full:trueā€]
Thereā€™s a way to set up things on vibrate now.[/quote]On the PDM ā€“ and I think thatā€™s an updated feature. I donā€™t remember vibration on my old PDM (just got a replacement).

Thing is, it would be really nice if theyā€™d add an oscillator to the pods themselves, and an option to have it vibrate but not beep (or both). Current oscillators are very tiny (think ā€“ they put them in watches), and thereā€™s plenty of space in the pod where they could go (Iā€™ve taken several pods apart).

I think the main issue is simply the FDA approval gauntlet. Something simple like this that would show up rapidly in any piece of consumer electronics costs millions in process to get FDA approval before bring to market.