Hello everyone!
I've been T1 for almost 2 years now (gosh, it goes quickly!) When I was first diagnosed, I was in DKA. I had all of the classic symptoms of T1, but I have to admit that the progression of the illness and feeling lousy all of the time sort of had become the norm for me.
Since my diagnosis, I have worked really hard to stay healthy (with the intent to never-ever-never-never feel like that again being one of my strongest motivators.) But everything came to a screeching halt this past weekend when I was hospitalized for severe DKA. It happened so quickly that it still amazes me. Here is a quick review of the day leading up to it:
Thursday morning: I felt great. Nothing to report. I changed my sight on the Minimed, headed off on my day around 9 am.
Thursday afternoon: By 2 pm, I all of a sudden felt like I was getting the flu. It wasn't a gradual, "Oh I think I might be coming down with something" feeling, but rather a "Wow, I'm totally sick" feeling. Stopped at a store on the way home, I remember standing in line and feeling terrible, and feeling my heart bust out of my chest. I made it home and promptly laid down to nap, thinking I could sleep this off (because I truly have no time to be sick ;) My BG were a little high, in the low 200's so I wasn't too concerned. I corrected and went to nap.
Thursday 8pm: Slept all afternoon, and woke up feeling worse. Ate some soup, took more insulin for my rising BG and laid back down. Noticed I was thirsty, so started drinking lots of water.
2 am: Woke up in a daze. I was home alone. Couldn't think straight. Felt super nauseous, vomited violently twice. Blood sugar hit mid 400's. Took lots of insulin, Laid back down because that was all I could do. I remember telling myself that I should check my pump/call my doc/ call someone/ do something. Then I went back to sleep.
6 am: After fitful sleep, BG hit high of 600. Lots more vomit. I was scared but still not thinking straight. Still home alone. Somewhere in my cloudy head I got myself to change my infusion on my pump, thinking something had to be terribly wrong because I had taken so much insulin and my BG just kept rising. Put a call into my doc, naively hoping it was just a flu/bug.
8 am: BG began to slowly come down; around 400 at this point. Vomited again (but for the last time, thankfully) Doc called and told me to go to ER NOW! Again, I was alone and knew I couldn't drive. My friend came and brought me in.
9 am: At ER, they took me right in and put me on IV, Potassium. Slept most of the time when not answering questions/giving blood. Diagnosed with DKA.
12 am: BG had fallen to around 230 average, finally admitted to floor for observation and IV.
It is helpful for me to relay what happened this way because it was all such a terrible blur. I realize now that I should have gone in when the first signs of DKA presented themselves. Honestly, this was my first experience with it in a long time- and I never expected it to happen so quickly. I just kept giving myself insulin, but it had little effect. I'm scared by my muddled mind and lack of ability to think straight. How do you handle that when you are by yourself?
I am feeling better- which is actually kinda surprising to me now when I consider how sick I was just a couple of days ago. Now that I can consider what happened to me, I'm a little disappointed in myself for not recognizing what was happening sooner. I could have sworn I was getting the flu (and two of my coworkers were really sick, so I just figured they shared it with me.) I'm a little depressed I thinkas well because I work really hard to keep the best control I can... and this was totally out of control.
Needless to say, I am seeing my Endo on the 28th, and I'm not looking forward to it. But, it has reinforced my resolve to NOT ever be that sick again.
Thanks for reading!