I’m in a bit dilemma. My recent hba1c is 5.9 My fasting insulin is 3ng/ml notch below 4. My c peptide is 1.1. in the normal range. My TDD is about 24 units on regular insulin. When i stay on regular insulin my after meal spikes are about within 30 points. My fasting numbers varies from 85 to 115. My gad was 1.1 tested last year just notch above limit of 1.0. Recently i tried out Lantus, first at night started on small dose of 4 u and every time i injected i got spike in sugar after 30 mins of injection so i tried in the morning. My problem starts when I’m on lantus my regular insulin usage goes high and my spikes are about 80 points and stays high for 4 to 5 hours and if i use novolog my spikes are still about 60 points but my numbers goes on roller coaster My reading for first hour is 165 2nd hour 79 3rd hour 156 4th hour 140. If i increase the dose of novolog than my 4 and 5 hour after meal numbers are alwayes over 150. If i’m on regular insulin my numbers peak at 2 to 3 hours and comes down and always under 140 unless i made error on carb counting. My diet is same for both regime How do i over come this spikes when on lantus and novolog? I’ have tested for maximum amount of lantus my body can handle on 6 hour test without getting low is about 6u.
Hi A,
I’m Type 1 & on Regular & Levemir. I use Apridra also to correct highs.
Have you tried changing the times you take Regular? I had to play around with when to dose because taking it the usually recommended 45 minutes before meals wasn’t working for me.
Could it be that the spikes you experience when increasing Novolog is because you may be going too low & then having a huge increase to compensate?
Sorry, don’t know anything about Lantus causing spikes. I was on Lantus, but was changed to Levemir which works better for me. Maybe worth discussing with your doctor to see if another basal doesn’t cause this for you.
im on lantus to help keep me from droping or spiking through the night… i hate my lantus i find that when i take it i have a harder time controling my sugars and my mood changes when i take it too…im goin in to talk about it with my endo… you should let me know what you find out from yours… i would be very intersted to see if your doc switches you or even takes you off
best of luck
Well i feel if i take lantus and 30 mins later my number are higher than my body is telling me there is enough basel in the system. In the morning i can take lantus drink tea and eat light breakfast and do not have to take bolus and i get no spike. But later in the day at lunch and dinner my number will bounce up and down every hour. With regular as bolus only my spikes are well within 30 points and no up and down every hour and i do not have to take basal. With lantus i can’t seems to keep spike under control. Take less novolog and my 1 st hour number are over 180 take more and 2 hours nunber is under 80 and 3 and 4 hours numbers are over 150.
How utterly frustrating! Does seem like it’s worth talking with your doctor about changing to Levemir, or that you don’t need basal at all since Regular does last longer.
I often have the roller coaster effect after dinner. Perfect (or a bit low) at 2 hours & then up & down after that. Think it’s because dinner is my largest meal & least active time. That’s when started experimenting with different times to take Regular. Can’t say I’ve figured it out yet.