Latest on airport scanners etc

I have know for some time that even though TSA can see a Dexcom on their scanner , they always on a pat down. “ I think they just get off doing it.” I also know thru many time that MRI and fluoroscopic exam don’t effect TX’s
My problem is that I also have lymphedema and where thigh high support stockings, going thru Scanners show a high density in my legs . This gets TSA hot and bothered… they don’t want a pat down , they want a

I have been traveling a lot lately. My dexcom 7 and mobi pump do not set off the detector when I do tsa pre check. And it’s worth the risk to me because I don’t need to get a chemical test or a pat down. I’ve taken at least 25 flights since I’ve been using pre check. It’s really nice to not deal with that anymore.


That’s great news!

My Tslim X2 warranty is expired and I’m mostly waiting to see if I can hold out for a pump with a lower closed loop target… but the small size of the Mobi and the chance to walk through TSA without hassle are very tempting!