Levimir and Novalog

HI Richard..

I gave myself that 7 units on account of what the bolus said to give, 2 units more with the 5 regular if my sugar was 201 to 250, when I checked it before I ate that chicken salad it was 216, all I had for breakfast at 8:00 that morning was a small bowl of cherios and two cups of coffee. It was 11:00 am when I checked it again and it was 216 so I followed the paper for the bolus. Its my fault, I am starting to see this, I needed some crackers with that salad and or a peice of fruit to balance out the sugar. I wrote bsc what I was talking about with this eating frenzy I am presently undergoing. I did see a dietician some years back but she confused the daylights out of me. It was as though I should have automatically understood all of this stuff, she was very routine and clear on her end, but I was new and confused by pure lack of knowledge as I am now. So, yes I am researching on line and will find me some good diabetic classes from the hospital. The dietician cost $120.00 and the insurance does not cover them, figures ey? Ahh yes another day in the life.

Aslo bsc..

My daughter figured that out too about the carb to ratio and said no way for me..thats off for my situation. Crazy!

HUH??? WHAT????


Well, I have been on oral meds for years, I am just not going over into insulin which means my pancreas is still producing insulin but not enough being I am diagnosed as type 2 not 1. I was diagnosed type 2, I dont see how that could change and apparently I am dosing to much insulin. I was confused until my daughter helped me out. She said, Mom, you were diagnosed type 2 not 1, just because your taking insulin, that does not change your diagnosis. We then researched on line about type 2 taking insulin, in which is my present situation. I just was confused. The pyramid for me would establish the sugar properly in my body and it has the amount of carbs needed so my insulin can depend on it. So to speak. I am fluctuate between 127 and 134 in weight. I have been down to 121 lb, I was on a exercise regiment but when I come home from cleaning houses, beleive me, I just cant do it. Cleaning houses is about all I can handle at almost 50 years old, been doing it for 25 years and my body is shot, arms legs and all. I do try to kick in something, leg exercises or Palates. Yes, I am aware of the labels and read them often, I am aware of the foods which are carbs and those that are not. I have done some research on needles, these are pre-filled pens, you cant miss. The needles are working, The elongated needles over the shorter ones are the ones that terrify me. I have number {5} 32G tips x 5 mm and number {6} 32Gx6 mm needles to use. I preferr the 5.


I had the c peptide, it was good, dont remember the number but it was good. Ok, well my daughter is more knowledgable than you know her to be since you dont know her at all. I have no idea why this particular conversation with you is spiraling down the sewer with you but you have your own opinion and I respect that. Good luck to you as well.

You really need to get some education from doctors or cde's who know what they are talking about and/or from books like Using Insulin. You are quoting a lot of irrelevant or downright misinformation. It doesn't matter which type you are. If you are using insulin, an insulin carb ratio is what is the standard of care to figure out doses. You need to match the insulin to the food, not the other way around. You are continuing to take too much insulin and then trying to compensate by eating more carbs. All that will do is cause you to gain weight and keep you pinging from highs to lows. You have come on here asking for help and information yet don't seem too open to what everyone is suggesting.

And a c-peptide test tells you how much insulin your body is still making. There is no such thing as a "good" c-peptide test. It is not good or bad. If it is low you are making very little insulin, higher you are making enough or even an excessive amount if you have insulin resistance.

Please get some good information and then follow it!

Hi Zoe,

Thank you for the reply, well I am new at the insulin game, so I am collecting all the info I can as to be ready to ask questions when I call my doctor. For instance, carb to ration, that was never talked about with me from anyone. A nurse at the office who looked at my chart in the computer upon one of my visits was the one who said to me, Sherri, your c pepide test is good. So I figured it was as she said. Not knowing if their was a number attached to it like the A1C number per say. I think what is going on as far as what I am saying in here is that I may not be clear enough as to describe what is actually happening with me. I am trying to be direct as much as I know how. I wont know alot until I talk to my doctor. For instance: below

Step 1
Determine the total number of grams of carbohydrates in your meal using Nutrition Facts labels or a food database.

Step 2
Subtract the total grams of fiber from the total grams of carbohydrates. For example, if your meal contains 60 g of carbohydrates and 5 g of fiber, it has 55 g of net carbohydrates because 60 minus 5 equals 55.
Step 3
Divide the net carbohydrates by your insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio. For example, if your ratio is 11 g of carbohydrates per unit of insulin, your meal dosage is 5 units of insulin because 55 divided by 11 equals 5.

I am like, well, what is my insulin to carb ratio per unit? is it 12 is it 11 is it 10? is this something I am suppose to figure out or does the doctor tell me this? thats why I am remaining confused. That 3rd one there. Yes, I am misinformed, I'm trying to get it right by eating right.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/508495-how-to-calculate-a-diabetes-meal-dosage/#ixzz1gpOWLPPC


I did not eat breakfast this morning.. I had two cups of coffee, I ate at 12:30 pm, my sugar was 278 before eating, probably from what I ate last night I am sure. Regardless, I had taken my Levimir 7 ml last night and again at 9:00 am this morning, checked my sugar before I ate at 12:30pm, it was 278. The bolus sais at 250 to 300 add 3 more units applied to the 5 units making 8 units of Novalog before I eat again. I did that. I ate a bowl of cherios with a half of a banana, and I mean one cup of cereal, milk and half of a banana. Now, I just checked my sugar and its 3:15 pm as to eat again and its the first normal reading I have had since I started the insulin regiment last week. Its 101, I am going to make some tuna with a small amount of salad dressing and eat about 5 crackers with it. I am having pork tonight. I usually make brussel sprouts and green beans mixed together, as the brussel sprouts are kind of the starch/carb factor. I have a small glass of milk and many times water, not iced, just water. Regular water helps break the food down and not stick to the walls of your throat when going down. I eat like this about 3 to 4 times a week. Then, I eat off the charts, the fried chicken salad or fish dinner but try to balance it out. Anyway,.just giving you an idea hear. However, its like I'm totally hungry again, thats the bummer part.

I dont want to sound like I am clueless, but I am, I am trying do to what is needed to be done, in at least with all of the input here I am ready to ask questions..that matters right? I knew nothing about carb to ratio until you all told me. I think my doctor must think I am on top of all of this, who knows, maybe he is waiting for me to call and bite his head off..

Yes, the I:C ratio is something you figure out yourself by trial and error. We can't tell you what I:C ratio to use because we are all different. A way to find out is to start with 1:15 - one unit of insulin for every 15 carbs, that's an average ratio. Then count your carbs and take the insulin for that ratio. Let's say you had 45 carbs for your meal, so that is 3 units. Two hours after you eat take your blood sugar. If you are too high then you need to bring down your ratio - try say 1:13. If you crash low, then you should bring it up - try 1:17. Keep doing that until you get in range. Then you will know your I:C ratio. It may not always work perfectly, because that is the nature of the disease, but it should help you be a lot more stable than you have been. You also may find you have different ratios for different meals - for example mine is 1:6, 1:10 and 1:21 for the three meals.

You shouldn't have to eat every couple hours because you are taking too much insulin and crashing. And you shouldn't be hungry. If you are used to eating a lot of carbs it might take awhile to get used to meals lower in carbs, with more protein, vegies and healthy fats. Just FYI some of can't eat cereal at all and have stable blood sugar. I used to love granola or cereal with fruit and yogurt or milk. I just can't do it anymore and my breakfasts center around eggs.

Yes, there is a lot to learn, but once you start getting more stable, you will see how much better it works to gear your insulin to your food instead of having to eat and eat to prevent crashes. Oh, it is best to test out I:C ratios when you are not starting out high before a meal.

Hey Zoe..

Wow, well thank you bunches from the bottom of my heart, excellent info. I will definatel apply this. I only eat cherios nothing else, I love all kinds of cereal but know my limitations and cherios is the only safe food, and not much of it at all. Thanks again do much doing a copy and paste then going to get this book by John Walsh. Again thank you very much.

Hi delilah, Zoe gave you perfect advice. Your doctor really should have explained all of this to you so good for you for looking for good information to help yourself. My doctor gives me insulin to carb ratios but it's really just an educated guess. And remember that it may change slightly when you get more exercise such as when you're cleaning. It really is trial and error as Zoe explained so well. I don't have anything to add other than to wish you well. Keep trying and it will get better. Take care.

Oh and I know the feeling well of the aching bones and heart flutters. I'm 51 myself so I know how you feel. :)

Sure, you're very welcome. And if your doctor isn't willing to work with you (or give you a Certified Diabetic Educator who will, you might consider looking elsewhere. It's great to have someone who can help walk you through all this!

Once you move to insulin, whether you are type 1 or type 2 matters little. Carbs raise your blood sugar, whether they be from bananas or cheerios. You need to take a basal insulin shot once or twice a day to keep your blood sugar stable, even if you don't eat. And then when you eat, if you eat carbs, your need to count them and take a basal shot to "cover" those carbs. It is a "huge" learning curve. Figuring out how many carbs are in the foods that we eat and dosing the insulin properly. Our ideas about how much carbs are in foods are often "way off." I have to tell you bananas and cheerios are high carb foods, it is easier for me to put a half dozen teaspoons of pure sugar in my coffee than to deal with bananas and cheerios (look up the amount of carbs and you will see what I mean).

Having a diabetes class can be really helpful, it can teach you to count the carbs and figure out your insulin properly. In the end, many of us find that we have to change our diets significantly. The diets that we are told are "healthy," containing large amounts of grains and fruits, turn out to be not so good for us. So we turn to breakfast of eggs and sausage and we skip the biscuits and sandwiches. You can still eat healthy and enjoy your food, you just need to make different choices.

Hey thanks Shawnmarie,

I will drill him a bit thats for sure. I'm thinking he must have thought I was on top of all of this or something being I have been diabetic for years, pills are one thing and insulin is totally different. I dont get that part with him, I think he must know I am going to call and ask questions.

Hey bsc,

Thank you on this. Ya, I will have to test the cereal indulgent again and see if those numbers pair up a bit.. I dont dare venture to try anything else but cherios, well, I have indulged in Special K, but thats rare. The only reason I received a decent reading was because it was an exact 1 cup of cereal, same with milk and half of a banana, otherwise my numbers would have been soarring that I wont kid myself on. I take the Levimir twice a day. morning and night,. 7 ml, this is my basil. That may change as I go as well. You have that right with the learning curve deal, geezzz, I hate math and well. When I work I eat half of a sandwich. 1 peice of bread and meat thats it then I will drink atkins drink and later between meals since I am working and its very physical I do a carb. This is all until I can learn the carb to ratio and get my wheels spinning on that regiment to correct my insulin intake. Most mornings I just eat two eggs. I'm not a big breakfast person anway but realize I have to eat. I wonder of this Stevia, I heard it doesnt make your sugar rise at all. Not sure, must do more research on that. As it is, I use no sugar in my cereal and I have eliminated Creamate from my coffee. I love coffee. I have lots to learn on all of this no doubts there, but..in at least on my way to getting my feet wet. Knowledge is power.

Hey smileandnod..

I'm smiling and nodding, he-he, thank you so much for the encouragement, it surely matters. Ya, it will all come together but Zoe gave me releif there, I am starting to get the bigger picture on all of this. Diabetes, bummer. Life...GOOD. so I will survive. I hope they find a cure for all of us someday..

Hey Zoe..

Boy your not kidding, thats why I came here to search and discover. Eventually I will be able to help others but need to get my head above the water first. It will happen, I am blowing up my flotation devices as we speak, HA!

Hey 1Gal

Thanks for replying. I am home from church today, feeling poorly so I am resting. I have had a cpeptide and yes I see a endo regularly. Matter of fact 6 times this year alone trying to get this situation under control. He tried me on 4 glyaburide Metphormin again along with Cycloset for 6 weeks and that did not work. This comes after using Victoza for 6 months but that too stopped working. No, i'm not eating all carbs, not at all, only if I drop low. I considered eating half a peice of fruit per meal to keep from dropping out. I watched many You Tube videos on injections, no place is fun. My skin is very sensitive and well that works against me. Saturday night, I ate two pork chops and with the breading, along with string beans and about 8 brussel sprouts. 2 hours later I was getting shaky, I did not have to do a bolus before this meal so I only took 5 ml of the Novalog before I ate this meal. 2 hours later my sugar was 99, so instead of fruit I ate a left over buiscut and 1 bite of a banana, and I mean one tiny bite. The buiscut alone is 25 carbs I think so I over did that, 25 carbs and 3 sugars. Anyhow, I then later took my Levimir, 7 ml before bed, checked my sugar at 9:00 am this morning and it was 278. However, these are the numbers I woke up to on pills before insulin. I guess that buscuit tipped me but..I think I need more Levimir than what the endo prescribed. 7 ml per morning and night. Monday I am calling the insurance company to see if they cover a diabetic specialist because I know they dont dieticians and that is out of pocket. Then I am going to tell him I was not informed about carb to ratio anything. I will be out and about today, going to see about that book for insulin from John Walsh, probably at Barnes and Nobles but I may go online to find it. bsc left me links to check out. Also Zoe helped me out with starter infor and where I could try to start with this carb to ratio thing. I'm getting there, wouldnt be getting there if I wasnt in here, the forum has been a tremedous help to me, always has been. I appreciate you all and taking the time to inform me. I feel lost but now I have hope..in at least the right direction. I'm scared too but I want so much to get this thing right. I almost died in hospital 23 years ago, I'm all to familiar with that edge of death thing and havent forgot that experience so I dont want to go down early on here because of not taking these meds right. One more thing, I wasnt on top of my eating as much as I am now with my past and meds. I have 10 sheets of paper from a different doctor on what to eat and he did include carbs.

Hey Young..

Wow, ya I dont think I will have that advantage but you never know. It reminds me of how some insurance co covers alcoholics to be able to stay a week or two at centers around the country to help them.. Ya my husbands insurance company use to be the very best, not now. Even when you call the office they act like your such a pain. I think, geez, sorry your so miserable in life but dont make everyone else life miserable. My husband called and spoke with them and now their so nice to me, go figure. They were rude to him and he let them have it and talked to the CEO. Makes a person hesitant to call at all and get info, but I digress. You know, they might have something like that here, dont know. They have the alcoholic center. I bet something like this could make all the difference in the world. I will know something Monday, I am bugging them until something comes about that can help me utilize all the necessities possible for this venture in my life.