Long acting insulin - need help deciding

I really like Tresiba. I’ve been a T1D for 43 years and have been on pretty much every insulin except for the mixes over the years. I prefer MDI over a pump and Tresiba is a true once a day basil. Most insurance companies will require a prior authorization but the Dr office is use to doing these and I have not had any trouble with this on US state Medicaid.


Like @Frank_S I’ve had bad experience w Lantus (which I have previously posted here about), but I do realize it works well for lots of people. In general, @John_Bowler is right, the more often you inject a long-acting insulin, the more “flat” it will be, which may or may not be your goal with a basal, depending on time of day.

That said,
I found Lantus good for about 18-20 hrs.
I loved Levemir, but it’s sort of “medium” acting for me, so needed 2x a day, probably even 3x would have been ideal.
I use tresiba now, and once a day is fine. If I forget an evening injection, morning is fine, it seems quite forgiving that way, very long duration.

(I’m MDI)


Yes for me so far Tresiba has been much more steady than the lantus with no big drops.

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so I mentioned earlier on in my comments above - I don’t have access to Tresiba, the only other option is Levemir.

I have heard a few times now that it would be best to use this in twice daily injections, which I’ve been concerned about. How does anyone manage taking 2 injections at the same time every day? Just seems like another massive thing to have to carry every day (figuratively speaking)

Hi Kimmi! Merry New Year. Sorry to hear your fight for a CGM continues. I hope finding work and your own place is going better.

I haven’t used Levemir but I’m always up for learning new things so I read the US version of the info that comes with the drug. In section 12.2 Pharmacodynamics it says “The mean time between injection and the
end of pharmacological effect for insulin detemir ranged from 7.6
hours to >24 hours (24 hours was the end of the observation period).” This says to me if you try Levemir you are going to have to be willing to find out how it works for you.

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Yes!! I actually got a job! Received a job offer just before Christmas… my little Christmas miracle as I now like to call it, so very very happy about that, and even though there will be challenges, at least I can finally start getting my life back on track and getting my sugar levels more stable, with less stress.

Thank you for that piece of info, after chatting to my Dr earlier today we have now decided to put this on hold, especially with starting a new job, its not exactly the greatest time to be experimenting with new insulins. But this info has all been so helpful, so I’m definitely going to keep it on hand, and will address this again at my next cycle appointment, together with trying to manage the different times of when to inject etc.

Happy New Years @spdif :blush: