Low, after low after low

It seems novolog has too much tail of action, you need something stronger in the first 2 hours. How were you going with humalog ? As for omnipod, why do you havo to stay on MDI for boluses, the pump is finer in doses, you can take 3.2U if you need. that has nothing to do with correct carb / insulin ratio

i'm going to do pump with I:CR and corrections, we're just gonna START pump with basal only...IDK, sounded good to me..that way we can at least see how the pump is working on basal. Maybe I'll retry humalog...? I actually would like to try Apidra, nurse gonna give me a sample. thanks for your replies, appreciate it. :)

You rose by over 100 points, Sarah, so you obviously needed more insulin. I'm not sure what information you thought you would get from 4 hour results. Your bolus would be gone by then.You are, I think confusing yourself by thinking about basal and bolus at the first time. I suggest you do basal first, then work on bolus. 129 is a decent two hour result.

Did you prebolus? If you did that, you might have avoided that huge spike at one hour.

yes, by 4 hours the bolus is gone and i was back down to 88, where I started, so that makes me think my basal is too high because I don't want a fasting of 88, i prefer around 100. I rose 100 points within the very first hour but feel down within 3 hours to 97, so I don't think I need more just something faster...I did prebolus.

Sarah, you can't figure bolus and basal simultaneously. You keep complaining that you are going high then you are going low. You are sending yourself all over the place. I would strongly encourage you to do one thing at a time. People keep telling you that. You keep asking for help, and then ignore the responses!

You do not take into account four hour results for bolus. If you rose 100 points in one hour and you pre-bolused, then you definitely need more insulin. Work on one thing at a time or you will continue to roller coaster./p>

In my experience Novorapid lasts 4 hours and for big boluses a little more. Starting from 88 and landing at 86 means the bolus was right (if you insulin action time is 4 hours), IF you tested your basal and skipping lunch yout BG doesn't drop.
If you start at 88 and want to "land" a little higher, you should lower insulin dose (and omnipod has an advantage here over MDI) or add some "uncounted" carbs.
As for the BG at 1 hour it's normal to spike (in my esperience). The only "hope" about that is to:
- bolus a little ahead of meal (say 10-15-20 minutes you have to test);
- use a faster insulin, apidra is good but could bring you to change pod every 2 days because more prone to occlusions at the third day
- go for both solutions

Hey Sarah, no I don't have the newer smaller pods yet, but I can't wait to try them. I talked to a customer service rep at the beginning of this year before I placed my most recent pod order and they said the plan is to start shipping the new pods in April so if that's true then they should go out soon! Maybe they will start you on the new pods - I have a surplus of the old pods now to use up before I move to the new pods.

Yes, I like using the pods now that I have figured out where they work best for me. I had some absorption problems with some sites and it took me a while to figure out what was going on. Once I found my "sweet spots", things changed for the better instantly. So be patient. One of the things I like best about the pods is the automatic insertion - so easy - push a button and it's inserted.

I am using Humalog insulin. Prior to the pump, I was using Humalog and Lantus so just stayed with Humalog. Humalog peaks between 1 and 2 hours for me so works well for me.

Sarah, I typically check 2 hours after bolusing because that's when Humalog tends to peak for me. I also use a Dexcom CGM so if I'm trending down, I might check at 1 hour to confirm where I am with IOB, knowing that my Humalog will peak at about the 2 hour mark.

Everyone is a little different, so you'll find what works best for you. :)

This is just slightly off topic but recently I have been dropping low after meals because it seems like the insulin is hitting my system faster than the food!!! I’m not sure what’s going on there but it’s been a recent occurance and I haven’t changed any basil/bolus settings. Can anyone relate?? So strange it’s like my body has recently turned into an insulin sponge.

Is it possible your food digestion is slowing down due to any sort of GI issue?

I assume the more obvious thought is an insulin issue so I only throw out the GI as something that is of lower probability.

Not sure! I wouldn’t think so.