Stuart, you are funny! I am trying to visualize you slapping a tiger…
Hi Stuart
Thank you for your input. I’m not, personally, terrifed of lows. I don’t think I’m going to expire at any moment, but I just wanted to clear the air after a different discussion seemed to take severe lows (40 and below) as “no big deal”.
A recap of what was mentioned in the first discussion thread: “I’m also concerned that many T1Ds are so blase about seizuring while asleep. I do not want to give the wrong impression to newly diagnosed T1Ds, letting them believe that if they leave their lows untreated, they will be fine.”
There was a lot of “misinformation” listed in the other discussion that was projected onto a seemingly new T1D who had woken from a seizure while sleeping and had bitten her tongue to the point of bleeding. I was afraid that the way many T1Ds responded to her episode was too laid back for the event that she had- I had assumed it was her first time going through it.
Like you, I’ve also been through many seizures and insulin shock comas, but I try not to let it get to me. It’s been a few years since the last one and I’m doing fine now.
Apparently I lack the ability to have my “emergency reserves” turned on. This is not a common, but real, ailment.
I just pay close attention to my BG once it dips below 50. Other than that, I’m pretty blase (haha) about the whole BG thing myself.
Not true that the answer to every question is to get a pump. Even if this was an accurate statement, why the hostility? We know you can’t have one. I don’t understand the anger directed at people who are graciously offering advice. Their recommendations are not necessarily directed to you.
I don’t have a pump & don’t find pumping info offensive. I’m interested in learning how pumpers handle different situations because it’s taught me how to imitate (to a limited extent) the same using MDIs.
For the people who can get pumps–how wonderful for them. Let’s celebrate their good fortune instead of being resentful.
My doctors did their best to instill a real fear of overnight lows. They had me convinced I’d die in my sleep. Though no longer scared witless of this, it’s not something I take lightly & it’s risky behavior to be nonchalant about the possibility of this happening.
Once I did awake from an extreme low (or maybe it was just from having to go to the bathroom) & fell out of the bed. Was lying on the floor unable to get up. Other times I didn’t wake up, but was thrashing around & my husband woke me. Emergency reserves didn’t kick in.