Low Carb High Fat Diet

Body Fortress Super Advanced 100% protein Isolate. They Have 2 Flavors Chocolate and Vanilla

Walmart Product #554017804 & 554017803 its $18.98 per Container


As long as you know. That’s a very high protein intake, that no one would recommend even for extreme athletes

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so i have very recently started a LCHF, so far so good, i don’t find being as hungry,.

might keep doing it,.

For me it’s bacon and eggs on a sausage patty.

What’s the sodium level of one serving of that shake?

yeah, i have an omelette every morning. best meal of the day!

a long page and a few good video’s

This gives a simple overview to how it works
For me, the more carbs we eat the more carbs we want. They don’t give up easy and it’s biochemical

what to expect the first week

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@Sam19 is mixing data from current Eskimo populations with historical Eskimo lifestyles. Eskimos today do NOT live the same way Eskimos did before European intervention and European diets. So … one can’t mix and match.

As I noted, some do, but they are a very small minority and not well represented in current studies.

Yes, so let’s not discount that pre-European invasion, Eskimos mostly ate high far low-carb when talking about mortality rates.

Well they weren’t keeping track of their mortality rates before the ‘European invasion’