Meals a day/ meal replacement

Does anybody use meal replacements in their diet??


Does anybody do the 5-7 meals a day thing? Everybody keeps on telling me to do that, but that would be alot of insulin and sticks… asumming my carbs are spread out within those meals. Hmm any advice?

I don’t do 5-7 meals a day, but I find that my blood sugars are much more stable when I eat less than 30g of carbs. So I think that even if it meant stacking insulin, 5-7 lower carb meals could work well! You would just need to keep in mind the amount of insulin that is still active in you from your previous boluses (or is it boli?).

This is easier with a pump, but still doable with MDI.

I eat every two hours (with lowest blood sugars being in the AM and usually increases in PM)… 25 carb breakfast, 15 carb morning snack, 15 carb lunch, 10 carb snack, 10 carb dinner from veggies. But then again I am a type 2 controlled by diet and exercise alone. I do know that my blood sugars are much more stable from eating small frequent meals, if I tried to eat 30 carbs all at once (other than in morning when I’m lowest) my BG would be 200+. It does mean a lot of testing for me though,as I am eating 5 mini meals a day and I usually test before and after each meal and if I am high I fast and exercise. I typically test a total of 6-8 times a day.
I sometimes drink the Atkins Advantage shakes which have only 1g net carb so you may not even need to bolus for them??

thanks for the advice guys. As of now i eat 3x a day and might eat a non carb snac inbetween, i think that’s alright, i’ll ask my doc next time. I just could imagine eating that many meals while on insulin… i’ll also be asking this question in the omnipod section

I eat more like 2 big meals (breakfast and dinner) that I always eat and the afternoon is a crap shoot.

I am not working right now so I don’t need as much fuel. So breakfast is later, than I depending on my number after breakfast, I will have a small snackie. Sometimes I will have an actually lunch but it is usually small. I have another small snackie a few hours after “lunch” (usually an avocadoe). And my dinner is late around 9 pm and that is my biggest meal. Love dinner.

So I guess 3 possible whole meals and two possible snackies (small) - it depends. So I guess I ‘eat’ 5 times a day.

I do the meal replacement every other day as a vegan protein drink for lunch. I would lke to do it everyday becuase I want the protein but I can’t afford it so I switch off.

I just eat three meals a day, more or less 9, 2 and 7. I don’t snack at all. For me it works. I eat more or less 100 carbs a day and am a vegetarian. I don’t eat sugar at all…except glucose tabs as needed for lows. I think there are as many versions of what works for us diet wise as there are diabetics. I have never used meal replacements and couldn’t see any circumstances where I would do so unless I became unable to eat food. I love food…the flavors, textures, combinations.

I eat 3 meals a day and rarely snack between meals. I usually eat about 7 AM, noon and 6 PM. I do use Boost Glucose control for dinner. I have gastroparesis and there are alot of foods I can’t eat so I use the Boost to help supplement some of the vitamins and minerals that I am not getting.

I eat 5 to 7 times a day,one of my favorite snacks is greek yogurt that you can make,low sugar,high protein to
lower my sugar,raw honey and cinnamon on toast will lower your sugar it might take few weeks to take effect but it works with most people.You do need healthy snacks between meals about 30 carbs

We have type 1 and 2 some 1.5,every diabetic is a little different,if everybody ate the same time,same thing and same amount some will have problems.
We each after finding out what works with your body,i eat many small meals and snacks.98% of what i eat is healthy,other 2% is junk i still enjoy occasionally.The less i eat the less i need,i have spent last 4 yrs researching everything i eat and drink
sticking with the best that taste the best that is the healthest.Most of the healthiest food i have to watch the portion
I’m not a know it all, i just try learn more and more.the more i learn make it better for me and who ever i can’t help’
TUB is a good place for us all to teach ,learn and meet many good people’