Meter accuracy

The CDE I met with here gave me a truetest generic meter and prescribed me 300 strips for it a month-- which is what the pharmacy filled here this time instead of the onetouch. I've tested it side by side with the onetouch, and have found that the truetest reads consistently lower, every time. Appearently the accuracy tolerance is not all that tight for any of them. For example I tested with my last onetouch strip a little while ago and is read 93. Then I tested twice with the new truetest meter and got 74 and 79. Previously, I've tested with the truetest and got 110 when the onetouch was reading 130.

I guess the only way to know which one was more accurate would be to have a third meter... In your experience is that much variation between meters to be expected? I have tested with the truetest several times in a row and found its readings to be fairly consistent and repeatable. Truetest is nice in the regard that it only uses .05ml of blood, which is half what the onetouch uses, it's comparable in speed too. The meter is kind of a big honker so I think I might pick up the true2go miniature version before my upcoming trip.

Another thought-- is the glucose control solution actually worthwhile? Or is this just another ploy to get us to buy something? I could see its usefulness if it was actually used to adjust the meters' calibration-- but with my two meters, all it does is verify that the meter tests in a very sloppy range. Anyone have any good stories about how they are so glad they bought it? Or is it a waist of time and money?

My understanding is that the control solution is just a way to test if the meter is working properly and has nothing to do with calibration.

I think the best way to check if a meter is accurate is to compare it to a lab result? When I get my A1C, they tell me the BG too. I just sort of remember in my head where it was at.

I picked up a true2go meter today. It tests right in line with my Trueresult meter-- both of which are considerably lower than my onetouch. I suppose a better comparison would have been to use a third type of meter and strips to compare to the previous two that disagreed-- but this is good enough. I'll go with the truetest strips for now. Only a $15 copay for 300 of them... hard to beat. Also got my omnipod demo-pod in mail today, looking forward to trying it out.

A man with one clock knows what time it is. A man with two clocks is never sure.

The control solution actually checks to see if the lot of strips is defective, rather than how the meter is performing. However, unless exposed to excess heat (or cold in your situation), or moisture, it is extremely unlikely a faulty batch would ever be sold to the end user. Think of it this way, the release specifications for a regulated medical device company are strict as hell. They test 1000s of the strips from each batch with an internal validated control solution for quality assurance and compliance with the FDA.

I just got a Contour meter for my diabetic supply company. This thing rocks. For one thing the first meter I've ever had where you don't have to struggle to get the test strips out of the vial(that means the vial won't be open as long). I had been using a re-lion meter which I've really liked and was pretty close to the doctors meter. This morning both read a 50. I had also been using a liberty meter that I acquired when my Dad passed away in January. I can honestly say, no offense to liberty, but that thing is junk and I am glad I am not using it anymore. Display small hard to read, and the results were so inconsistent in how I was feeling. I never felt I was getting an accurate reading on it. And the test strips where so small. Contour already is by far the best meter i've ever used, big display and easy to handle test strips, nice features but very user friendly.