Who’s got the skinny on this mini-gluc kit i’ve been hearing about? It’s a smaller, pre-mixed dose? I’ve googled this and found very little…anyone have some info, know where to buy it? I don’t have insurance and only see a primary care doc at a community clinic and as much as I like her, she’s no diabetes specialist and gave me a blank stare when I asked her about it…thanks for the help everybody!
I got a packet of a gel at a conference a couple years back and it was from a gal in UK who was starting a company that made them. She had samples. I don’t know if that’s it but I will try and find out the specifics and share the information.
I posted this previously but here you go
Glucagon “Mini-dose” Instruction
The purpose of the “mini-dose” is to avoid an emergency condition that may require glucagon rescue. This might be needed in cases such as when a diabetic child is injected with insulin before breakfast, eats, and then vomits and cannot eat again: with the injected insulin working its way into the bloodstream and no carbohydrate to balance, there may soon be a hypoglycemic emergency.
To avoid severe hypoglycemia (or alternatively avoid a trip to the hospital for intravenous glucose), the glucagon from the emergency rescue kit can be used in a measured dose to maintain the blood glucose level. Instead of the glucagon emergency syringe and its large bore needle, a standard U-100 insulin syringe can be used. The recommended dose is:
ages 2 years and under: 2 units (20µg)
age 2 to 15 years: 1 unit (10 µg) for each year of age (6 units for a 6 year old, etc)
age 15 years and older: 15 units (150 µg)[6]
The mini-dose treatment should be repeated as necessary to maintain blood sugar until food can be eaten.
Medical studies have shown that the mini-dose rescue is tolerated well and effective.[7]
as taken from Glucagon rescue wiki
I have had this administered to me a few times.