My Health Care Team Met Today

They meet in a book lined room swirling with mist. Deep leather chairs creak when they lean forward to set demitasse cups on a heavy, low table strewn with yellowing folders. An iPad sits incongruously at one edge. The voices of the four are a murmur in the amber light coming from a source impossible to pinpoint. We pull in closer to listen in…

Dave Stoller: "He's doing pretty well, eh Tullio? I say we leave him alone, leave him to ride and train. He needs more miles, but his form is good."

Tullio Campagnolo: "No! he is strong in the head, but the legs, the knees are not a young man's knees. He must have his gruppo changed for the mountains. These rides he does, they are like Alpe d'Huez. It was the same in 1952 with Coppi and Robic in the Tour. Fausto had the correct gears and rode the wheels off Robic. It is the same - we must change the gruppo, change the gears."

Ernest Shackleton: "Tullio might be right Dave. I know you managed on very little. I've done the same myself. But he is in this for the long haul, and equipment is everything. Better to re-equip now."

Marcey Robinson: "I still find this weird. Tullio, you are dead. Ernest, you are dead. Dave, you are a fictional character. Tell me again why I am here?"

Dave: "We told you Marcey. You are here because we voted Dr. Bernstein off the island. No one can race bicycles eating lettuce! That guy was from another planet. So we need your help with the meal plan, the insulin, the musette."

Ernest: "He could do it on seal meat and sea birds! I did it in 1915 on Elephant Island. Not a man lost! That would keep the carbohydrates low, the blood sugar good."

Marcey: "No offense Ernest, but that ain't gonna cut it. I've given him an insulin-carb plan that will take him through a double century. Didn't you say you were on this team as the inspirational element?"

Dave: "Yeah Ernest. Let's you and me stick to keeping his head together. Call us the anti-depressant squad."

Tullio Campagnolo moves his eyes from person to person around the table. His intent stare quiets the room. "He rides for 250 kilometers Sabato. We fix this now, eh?"

Dave: "OK - we change out his grouppo for the mountains. The bike will be perfect. Ernesto, you say his head is good, his morale is strong...anything we need to do there?"

Ernesto: "No. He is strong. He will not fail."

Dave: "What goes in the musette Marcey?"

Marcey: "Well, it's the same plan as before. What works for 100 miles works for 150, 200 and more. Keep the carbs around 30 per 1/2 hour and the water at 20 oz. per hour. Keep the insulin low to moderate. Now can I go? This place kinda creeps me out."

Dave: "OK, I'll write up his prescription. Thanks for coming everyone. Till next time - Ciao!"

Type 1 diabetes prescription.
Lansing, Joe.
September 25, 2010

Upgrade super cool bicycle to latest and greatest Italian components. Follow science based plan for insulin and carb intake for endurance sports. Ride your brains out across 135 miles of Colorado mountains. Know that you can kick ■■■ regardless of diabetes.