Good point Sarah.
But sometimes when you hear something repeated over and over you start to believe it.
you're doing great, good job!
Hey Toddy, how was your A1c?? I hope you feel better now :)
The results are in...
My A1C is 5.9.
::sigh of relief here::
WOOT WOOT! That's excellent! I'm glad you feel better now :)
Just remember that when you put work and dedication in, you'll get good results out. ^_^
Congrats and good for you. It is gratifying to get confirmation that your hard work is paying off. But at the same time, remember what everyone has said here, it's just a number, it does not define you as a success or failure.
Way to go, Toddy!! Relief isn't good enough...JOY< JOY< JOY! Congrats! You worked for it!
I am so happy. I just realize now that I can still enjoy my beloved Snickerdoodle cookies from time to time. :0)
I'm a big fan of snickerdoodles too. Good job on the A1C and being on top of things!
That's excellent!!
Ahh, the best part about having and investing in goals is reaching them. Grats Toddy!
tremendous - you've proved to yourself that you can do it. Your Ac1 will go up and down slightly. So don't freak out when that happens. The only thing you have control over is your next BG reading. It's a case of one step at a time.
awesome! well done!
Great job, very impressive.