New Dietary Guidelines Released

I was wondering if anyone saw this

and could you summarize what it says? :heart: “spurious correlation”


Sorry. English probably isn’t your native language. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Thanks for linking to this article. My takeaway from this piece is that you can’t make any sound conclusions about the relationship between food and disease when at the basic level it depends on studies that rely on humans to accurately and honestly report what they ate on a “food frequency questionnaire.”

One humorous correlation that the article cites include the one between eating egg rolls and dog ownership.

It’s a fun and informative read.


Dog ownership . . . . gotta relate this.

Some years back we used to take quick “getaway” mini-vacations at a seaside community some distance north of here. The first time we stayed there we went out walking one fine day and it seemed that nearly every person or couple we encountered was walking a dog. Quite a variety.

Finally I couldn’t stand it any longer. I stopped a couple who looked like they might have a sense of humor and asked, “Is it a city ordinance that you must have a dog in order to live here?” They played along and said, with a perfectly straight face, “Oh yes, they passed that several years ago.”



And I thought I questioned things… lol

What I’ll take from it (before I go crazy questioning everything nutrition related) is that you have to find what is right for you taking in consideration your needs and goals.

However, the journey can be made easier when we have tools such as this website. It’s a gift when people with great A1c results share what works for them. I’ve learned so much since I joined this Forum!!!:heart:

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“Congratulations,” said the guru, “that is the beginning of wisdom.” :wink:

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