Thanks everyone! Today is MUCH better! Last night it hit me that at the same time I injected the Tresiba I had just returned from picking up another pair of eyeglasses(this was my third) and the trifocals were horribly off since they just popped them into new frames to see if I could wear them(long story). The two bottom lenses were off, but she wanted me to use them for the entire wkend to mk sure I could wear them. She said just wear for for distance, but I kept them on for 2 hrs and during that time is when I got more and more dizzy, which is why I think the other symptoms kicked in.So far today, there have been NONE of the problems I had yesterday! It might have been some overlap from basals, but again, I had no lows during the time I was feeling so punk, only normal ones, so who knows?
I had a wonderful 1st night! I kept the basal at 00.00, and only kept my pump in so I could bolus for extreme highs during the night as seeing those little lines are difficult for me even in the daytime LOL Ran a little over my normal target range all through the night(145, 165, etc) with only one more slightly elevated glucose of 173 at 4am which is the only time I took a very small bolus, much less than I normally would. Woke with a 132! I was thrilled and felt so hopeful. At 9:25am it went from 140 to 246 and 248(still fasting) so I took a small amt, dropped to 220 one and half hrs later, took a tiny amt again and it was back down to 154. Next was 111, Yeah! However, after lunch, I sat for 2.5 hrs watching a movie and it went to 199 on one meter and 201 on the other(doing ck on my meters since 2 are older). Took small amt and now I’m down to 146.
I’m feeling soooo hopeful about today and my numbers. Yesterday I took the Tresiba at 10am, today, 8am, same amt. Since I ran over my desired numbers I thot about upping 1 unit in the a.m. IF tonight’s are running a bit high again, but don’t want to react too quickly and cause lows since it takes several days to lap over with tresiba.
I have several friends who take 1-2 fast acting in the morning to counter DP so if my numbers stay consistently high in a few more days, I might do that if my numbers are normal in the nighttime(highest basals were at 9am and 8pm).
I want to be patient, ride it out, taking into account IOB, DM, stacking and etc. I so appreciate everyone’s feedback because after trying Lantus a yr ago, this first 24 hrs was a piece of cake! Reading the shares/topics about this really helped and I am determined to stay the course with this and get off the pump. My skin demands it LOL. Thank you!