New type 2

Hello, My name is Rich and I am newly diagnosed diabetes 2. My AC1 was 11. My initial fasting (first meter reading) was 300 a week and 3 days ago. my medication for my first week was twice daily 500 mg metformin. After retaining my lab reports the urgent care doctor put me on 1000 mg twice daily. My numbers are averaging about 178per day now after 3 days on doubling my dose. My lowest morning reading 156. I’m encouraged because my numbers have been coming down. I do not wish to go on insulin even though I have read it may be a good idea and jumpstart lowering my sugar levels. I’m afraid that once I’m on insulin that I will not be taken off. Ive only been on the 1000mg 3 days. Should i give the medication more time? What are your thoughts. I am 63 years old.

Sounds like they are making an honest effort to get things all sorted out. I’m glad they are taking care of you. That doesn’t always happen. Hang in there.

Hi Rich, I understand your fear about insulin and I will say lets not worry about that right now. The need for insulin may be a long way off or it may never come. There is a lot you can do right now without insulin to get your numbers down.

There is a lot that can be done medication wise, metformin is just the beginning. Another strong point to be made is that being overweight makes it all that much harder to control. You cannot just medicate yourself out of a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis, If lifestyle is what has brought your diabetes to the forefront you must address it.

Insulin is very powerful, and I agree you should wait until you really need it.
Sometimes your body needs to acclimate to the new situation.
You might still see some improvement with your current meds, so give it time.
When your sugars are high you are more resistant to the insulin you already have in you. So you might see yourself level off in a good place.

For me exercise is really key and not even major exercise, just an easy walk after meals makes a huge difference.

Good luck to you.

Hi, @Rich4 Welcome to the site and sorry to hear you’ve joined the club of type 2 diabetes. Metformin is a good drug for those of us who can tolerate it. Since it does not increase insulin secretion it doesn’t put additional strain on the insulin producing beta cells. Those of us T2DMs, me included, are using insulin because our beta cells were over taxed by insulin resistance. Met also increases insulin sensitivity.

As noted by others no medication is a magic pill (or injection) that just normalizes blood glucose level. It is important to eat correctly, for me that has been a low carb/high fat diet, regular and I mean daily exercise, for me long steady aerobic is the ticket and to find ways to drain chronic unresolved stress from your life. Hopefully you will also lose a bit of excess weight if needed.

My fasting blood glucose was around 450mg/dl when I was diagnosed in 1992. I was prescribed Micronase, my wife and I attended 2 or 3 classes with a certified diabetes educator. No meter, I used strips that you put blood on, timed for 60 sec if I remember correctly, wipe and attempt to id the color to a chart. Meters are so much better.
Anyway, I started bicycling which I always loved, but had stopped when my boys wrecked my road bike. At that time all money was poured into their 4 bottomless pits - Ha Ha.
With carb restriction and bike riding I had normal BG for 10-12 years. With luck you can extend that to the rest of your long life. Good luck to you and finding this site is a sign of your luck and smarts.

One last thing- while our bodies are similar they are also unique. We all don’t respond to foods and meds the same, close but not the same.


Thank you all for your open honest stories, keep them coming. I Believe my diabetes is hereditary, my father had it. But at a much later stage in life. I’m finding it very difficult in terms of foods available for diabetics. But understand,I was a big fast food junkie and multiple cokes per day. Are there any remedies for the insomnia that metformin side effect or is this side effect going to be while I’m on this medication?

Check out for starters. There are lots of other sites that will show you how to really have enjoyable diabetic friendly foods you are currently used to and love. Just for hahas start with this one and then in search put in pizza or other foods you love that you may not know can be diabetic friendly. Enjoy!!!

you might find it helpful to see a certified diabetes educator

also, if you are considering any professional dietary advice, keep in mind that anyone can call themselves a nutritionist, but a registered dietician is a dietary expert who has met professional and academic requirements.

if you are finding the side effects of Met to be difficult, there is an extended release version you could try.

take things one step at a time. :blue_heart: