New user looking for help

I started sylmin about 10 days ago and am having trouble adjusting and looking for any advice. I have read over a number of posting but haven't been able to get a handle on it.

I started at 30 unit and worked my way upt to 60. I upped it about every 3-4 days until I got to 60 and only took with high card meals. I have not had any nasuea, just some mild gas and it has curbed my appetite a bit, but no weight loss. I also use a dex g4 cgm and am a type 1.

I started out taking about half my usual insulin dose because I was scared of lows even with the cgm. I noticed that my blood sugar didn't start rising until 4-5 hours after a meal, but they went up to almost 300. So I delayed taking the insulin until 30 minutes after a meal and it still went up 4-5 after the meal - then I tried 1 hour and the same. I am now taking my full regular dose of insulin with the symlin and then another round of insulin 4-5 hours later, which of course makes me hungry again and the anit-hunger affect of symlin has worn off. The insulin I take 4-5 hours later also seems to tale a longer time to kick in then without the symlin. I have continued my regular dose of long aciting.

Any one else find that the symlin actually increased their insulin needs and made it harder to bring high blood sugars down 4-5 hours after meals. This seems the complete opposite of what I told by the dr

My endo isn;t very helpful and yes I know I should change dr's but easier said then done.

I’ve been on it since May. Since I’ve been consistent with taking it, it has been better, and days. Haven’t taken it, I. Have noticed I have some DP issues. I’ve taken to injecting Symlin about 10 to 15 minutes before I eat, and taking my insulin in multiple doses. Symlin seems to keep the spike down and things stable for a while. I too have the G4 and keep a close eye. I’ve had no weight loss but I am happy that I don’t feel like I am always starving. My Endo also gave very little direction. But she feels confident I’ll figure out what works for me.

What is your goal for using Symlin?

I had three - To curb the hunger after taking insulin, loose some weight, and lower post meal spikes. Was hoping for at least 2 out of the 3 - so far only the curb hunger nad I do find that I probably need to split the insulin doses but havent started that yet

I'm hoping that with the constant hunger being gone, I may cut down on some portions or snacking, and over time some weight loss will occur. Just give it some time. I don't think my insulin needs were any less from the get go. Now, I have noticed a decrease.

almost a month now and the symlin has made my post meal BGs more erratic and increased my insulin needs and no weight loss whats so ever. not seeing any value in it