New Vitamin D Recommendations - Are they Diabetic Bunk?

It’s conflicting info like this that makes me just really happy I have a doctor who’s expertise and experience I trust. I had been taking 5,000 iu/ day at my pcp recommendation, he tested my level and told me to reduce to 2,000 then retested later on and was happy with it, so I’ll leave it at that and not drive myself mad analyzing it beyond that.

I have been taking 4,000 iu/day for about 6 weeks. My energy level has improved and my insulin sensitivity is awesome. Consequently, my TDD has dropped. That makes me happy.

Sarah :four_leaf_clover:

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It all depends on what is good for your body. I have preternaturally low Vitamin D levels. So much so that I had to take a course of Vitamin D bombs once just to get my D levels back to a level where I could actually absorb it.

Since then I started taking 5,000 IU daily, but my dermatologist told me my levels were toxic. So I take 5,000 every two days now. Do what works for you as long as you’re not toxic.

When I tested at 23, I started on 5000mg of D3. After 6 months, labs came back at 40. I am on 10,000mg now and feeling great. Will continue to test, of course. That said, the article has no impact. What doe have impact for me are lab tests and how I feel :smiley: