Vitamin D and hyperglycemia/hypos in Type 1

I did a search through the archives and didn't find a lot of info on this in particular, more so about the benefits of it helping type 2s. My doc has prescribed me 50,000 IU once a week and I'm wondering what your experience has been with this. Did anyone find their BGs went nuts? If so, did it happen only on the day they took the supplement or did you have to shift your basals permanently? I'm extremely insulin sensitive already, don't wanna rock the boat.
thanks gang!

Hi cat,

what did the doctor tell you about the effects of the prescription supplement? And what does the label say?? I'd have more worry over the other possible side effects of such a big dose, if a hypo comes along at least it is not usually toxic.

That is a really large dose, and I'm not sure about the evidence that supports that kind of megadosing. I know that low vit D is often telling of inflammation, and many auto-immune disorders come replete with low D, but there is also an epidemic of over treating and now there are many running around with Vit D levels that are too high. Also, it needs to be D3 to work. I thought that a Rx dose was 10,000 iu to start. Hmmm...sorry to not have an answer, but I think you are correct to apply caution to new regimens.


Thank you guys. I definitely appreciate the feedback. My GP retired and I’m not quite sure I trust this new one. She’s given me shady advice at least once and is a little bit of a know-it-all (albeit very nice).
Will investigate the dose further with the googles

well this is super awkward

"; He has managed over 1500 diabetic patients and, in the last decade, not one of his patients has had a stroke or heart attack. Only one has even been hospitalized! His secret—50,000 units of Vitamin D3 daily. Dr. Joe further reports:
Reversal of advanced coronary disease
Reversal of advanced lung disease, avoiding a lung transplant!
Cure of multiple sclerosis
Cure of amotrophic lateral sclerosis
Regression of rheumatoid arthritis
Improvement in allergies
Control of many cancers including prostate, breast, colon, brain tumors, leukemia, myeloma, etc
Reversal of osteoporosis
Prevention of influenza
Cure of depression and many other mental disorders
Hashimoto’s hyperthyroidism

He slyly then mentions that men report that the penis grows an average of 10% in length and girth (Volunteers??) and that women report growth of the labia."

oh lord, this guy seems like a nut job. My prescribed dose is supposed to be once a week. A quick google search of vitamin D 50 50,000 IU says it's D-3.
There's so much freakin conflicting info out there!

My doctor recently prescribed me a high dose of Vitamin D to treat a Vitamin D deficiency. But I only had to take it once a week for 4 weeks, and then after that she had me take a regular over the counter supplement (2,000 IU) once a day. I think it is fairly normal to prescribe a higher dose to treat a Vitamin D deficiency at first. I did not notice any trouble with my blood sugars (either rising or falling) when I was taking the prescription strength supplement, nor have I had any issues taking the OTC supplement since then. If it continues to be a problem, I'd give your doctor a call, everyone's body reacts differently. Hope that helps!

very much, thank you. This is the regimen my doc is proposing. It's good to know that someone has had a good experience on the Vitamin D without blood sugars being affected!

I have to caution you about this guy. Given this article, I would take things he says with a grain of salt. Even the Vitamin D Council, an advocate for vitamin D supplementation suggest that the highest safe level is 40,000 IUs/day.

Like Erin, my doctor tested my "actual" vitamin D levels and found me severely deficient. I had to take 10,000 IUs/day for six months to restore levels and now take 6,000 IUs/day to maintain my levels in normal range. Vitamin D is stored in your fat tissues and it can take extended time to restore vitamin D levels in your tissues to normal levels. I think that is what happened in my case.

The NIH suggests that a range of 20-50 ng/dl is a normal range. The vitamin D council recommends levels of 50-80 ng/dl for optimum health. My doctor targets 50 ng/dl.

I also never saw any effect on my blood sugars.

Thank you!

I think I made a much too subtle joke. I only posted the article for the last bit:
He slyly then mentions that men report that the penis grows an average of 10% in length and girth (Volunteers??) and that women report growth of the labia."

but thank you for any and all info

I was also significantly deficient with a level of 12 prior to starting replacement. I was prescribed 50,000u D2 weekly, after my own research I decided to change to D3, which I think is more readily available for use in the body. I stayed on the 50,000u and my level came up to 58, and I definitely felt better. So I have stayed on 50,000 once a week with no changes in my levels, I run betweenn 50-60 and no changes in my calcium levels either, which is the issue you have to watch out for with toxicity. So I am OK with that, my endo thinks its ridiculous and actually wants me to take significantly less but I refused because I feel so much better at these levels.
I have never noticed any changes in my blood sugar related to the VitD.

Hmmm. I had no idea that was a desirable result for women.

I guess it beats doing nothin!

I am a type 1 and found I have low Vit D for 2 years. I was intially put on the 50,000ui weekly , tried that 4 did not improve my level. My numbers are falling between 15-21. I now take 10,000ui a day, I haven't noticed any changes in BG. My sister is having the same problem...hmmmm.