Omnipod 5 shipping

Hi Robyn,
I’m in Canada and have a Dexcom G6 and an Omnipod Dash. At this point my basal rate is very low (only 8.2 units of Fiasp daily) and an hourly basal rate of 0.4 units from 3 am to midnight. When I eat any carbs (which is rare!) I bolus for them using my basal rate as a guide.

I was told by Omnipod that once Dexcom G7 is released and the Omnipod 5 has completed testing, they will produce a closed link so the two communicate with each other, Dexcom sends readings to the Omnipod and then the Omnipod responds to the blood sugar readings.

Boluses will be required if I decide to eat some potato chips (yum!) or a few French fries (even yummier!).

Not saying you’re incorrect about anything here but that is the info I’ve been provided with. It would make life very much better. But lies are another issue which I’d love to see incorporated into any new solutions.


I’m afraid I don’t understand your comments or questioning. You’re speaking like this is a questionable futuristic product, but the system you are describing is a fairly well-known entity at this time. Omnipod 5 has recently been released in the US (though they’re rolling it out slowly), reviews are coming in, manuals are available, and how the system works is already known. And what you’ve said isn’t contrary to anything I elaborated on. I just wanted you to know that this particular system isn’t dependent on your settings to work effectively.
It’s one of the things that sets Omnipod 5 apart from Tandem’s Control-IQ and MIGHT make it a better product for those who are struggling to optimize settings with Control-IQ. Omnipod 5 figures out it’s own basal rate and ISF, based on your weight and total daily dose, and makes insulin adjustments based on 60 minute BG predictions. It does not use your programmed settings, except for when the automatic insulin dosing isn’t available (like during CGM warmup or bad sensor data) or you choose to turn it off.

It’s standard practice to release these new products in just one region first, in this case the US, and then roll then out to other countries later. Omnipod 5 isn’t available in Canada yet, but you’ll be getting the same exact system that just got released here in the US, except any new software updates that may get applied in the interim. It’s currently running with Dex G6, and will be upgraded to work with Dexcom G7 as well when it’s available.

And yes, you need to bolus still. There is no “fully closed loop” system available commercially, yet.


Hi Sheryl, Just to back up what @Robyn_H said, my understanding of Omnipod 5 is that it works with Dexcom G6. I (in US) have been on Dexcom G6 and Omnipod Dash for a while. I am switching over to Omnipod 5 with Dexcom G6, expecting the PDM and new pods to arrive at me house next week. Will keep you posted.

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Are they shipping O5 now?

Thank you so much - so happy to know John. Typically once things get going on the USA, Canada’s only a few steps behind.

Think we have an Omnipod production plant in Canada but I’m not positive about that. Sometimes our testing processes for approval take a bit longer. I’ve worked in healthcare quite a bit and approvals do take quite a while up here.

Insulet told me the system up here would be closed loop with the Dexcom G7, but I may have not understood the whole process clearly.

Hope it goes super great for you!

Take care,

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The Omnipod Dash ‘mini-pump’ is the only pump I’ve ever used. I’ve use it with my Dexcom and have done really well with my A1Cs - typically 6.1 or 110.

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Yes but not sure what I did if anything to move up to the front of the line. They shipped out my starter kit (11 pods and a PDM) yesterday.

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And what is the cost of that John58? From what I understand, once the Dexcom 7 shows up, the Omnipod 5 and Dexcom 7 will work together and communicate with each other. Think you’ll still need to integrate the 2, but I’m using a Omnipod Dash and Dexcom 6 and I look at the Dexcom to determine how much of a bolus I’ll need. Was thinking to think of a way to manage it more easily. Haven’t got there yet!

The Omnipod 5 intro kit which was 11 pods plus the PDM was billed at $556 to my insurance and my co pay was $139 (Medicare Advantage). The refill orders are only pods and surprisingly have the same co pay as I was paying for Dash pods ($208 for 15 pods).

Thank you John58. Appreciate the info - will have to see if Blue Cross up here covers it, but I think they do!

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