
This is all pretty overwhelming, so much to deal with,

and I really dont know where to start. I've started eating

better, I'm very active and work a lot, so I get lots of

exercise. I've started a good med-carb diet, and

I now write down all my meals, blood sugars and

doses every day. but how do I know whats normal?

when should I be worried about highs? should I inject

if I get too high in the middle of the day. It seems like

such a huge amount to take in all at once. I went from

being a unhealthy hard-working stoner cali boy

to being a type 1, health-nut trying to restart

my life..how do you all stay so strict and

on-the-ball with it all? it seems like just so

much to deal with, the blood testing, doctors,

injections, carb counting...

everything feels pretty upside down lately

Hopefully you have a diabetic educator to work with you. I feel bad if I run under 90 or over 150. Are you on a long acting Insulin as well as a rapid acting to cover your meals? And has the doctor given you an Insulin to carb ratio and a corrective guideline? You shouldn’t be randomly taking Insulin between meals. Your Insulin dose needs to match your carb intake to keep you within whatever parameters the doctor gave you. I was very strict for the first 3 months of my diagnosis. I’m almost at my 1 year anniversary and feeling more comfortable about testing, treating, and eating now. There are lots of experienced diabetics on this site who can really help you. It will get better, I promise.

Orcajin, take it slow. I got diagnosed with Type 1 less than 2 months before you. It IS a lot to absorb. Besides the basics, get to know how your own body works. That means, because both you and I are not on the pump and don’t have the stats that it can help you with, you have to rely on testing and knowing what amount of insulin works best for you at any given time. This isn’t anything a doctor can help you with, unless you took up permanent residency in a hospital. And that’s the overwhelming part, I think – that we have to become our own doctors. One of the great things about talking to people on this website is that this thing of becoming our own doctor, it can be done – at least to the extent of managing this condition.

As far as high in the middle of the day, there’s others out there who can advise about that. I’ve never had to inject insulin between meals, but I have had to figure out a correction dose when my BG has been higher than it should be before a meal – i.e., so I take insulin to help me with my meal, but I might need to take a bit more than average if my BG is higher than it should be at that time. Overall though, I’d be more worried about lows – giving myself more insulin than I need.

Hang in there, you sound like you’re doing pretty well, just that this thing is doing a number on your state of mind. That is totally normal, even as I understand with vets. And, only be as “health nut” as you need to be to manage your condition so you’re healthy and able to function as you should and want to. “Nut” is not a word you want or should let diabetes to add to your identity. :slight_smile:

It’s very overwhelming. In the blink of an eye, our lives are completely different. Promise that it will get easier.

As for what’s normal, you want to be under 100 for morning fasting. People have varying targets for 2 hours after meals. Depending on where you look, the info is different–to add to the confusion. Many aim for 140 after meals. In the 80’s is where non-diabetics remain with few spikes. Their highs are quickly brought back to normal. Maintaining as close to normal without lows (under 70) is the best way to help avoid complications. Swings from high to low, low to high are hard on the body. The goal is try to remain as level as possible. Good in theory, difficult to achieve, but still the goal.

Yes, you should correct highs & lows. Important to know how much 1 unit of insulin will lower BG. Everyone is unique. It’s loosely based on weight. When you correct, estimate how much insulin may still be active in your body so you don’t overdo it. Most rapid acting peaks in about 2 hours & is gone by around 4 hours. If you’ve got insulin on board, don’t take a large correction or you could go low. It’s a lot of testing, experimenting, trial & error. Best to be conservative until you have a better sense of it all.

What do you mean by a “huge amount to take at once?” How much is your correction? How high are you going? If you’re consistently having many highs, adjustments are needed. If it’s hours between meals, your basal dose is responsible. If the highs are after meals, then it could be timing of insulin to meals or too small a dose.

Using Insulin by John Walsh is great. Think Like a Pancreas is also wonderful. Jenny’s site www.bloodsugar101.com has lots of info.

Taking care of your health with Type 1 diabetes can be overwhelming…I personally did not even want to think about it, or consider myself as “different” from others for the first 15 or so years after I was diagnosed: I was blessed to have good health and did not suffer any bad health nor complications from my ambivalence, I always took my insulin and I somewhat restricted my carbs, but I was not about it to , nor was I emotionally able to, fix the idea that I had to do something about diabetes everyday, every meal., every bite… so I know how hard it can be… but YOU can do otherwise : Being proactive about your health rather than reactive is the course I wish I had taken…
The other posters have given you sound advice… You are doing great, do NOT try to do too much at once Remember You are your own science experiment and will eventaully be making the decisions that you need to based on your data , lifestyle, and personal preferences, backed by solid evidence from your doctor . the resources cited:You will be making informed choices for yourself… Do seek help in meal planning , dosages, and self-management techniques from a Certified Diabetes Educator…yes, your new reality is that you have to be somewhat of a “health nut” in that you are now have to be cognizant of everything you put in your mouth .

But it is not a bad thing and as soon as you get rhythm dow,n it will become old hat…( I call it " old school", being a 70’s teen and young adult) You will be shaking your " groove thang" in no(KNOW)time (LOL)…

God bless,
Type 1 diabetic 42 years
Pumper 7 years

Hi: :slight_smile:

We All know what you are going through, as we have All struggled through at least some, if not all of the Stages of the Grieving Process due to our loss of a “normal working body” or “dreamy thoughts of what a normal working body should be”.

Sometimes even many years later, we may go back into Denial and fall off the “Diet, Exercise or even Medication Wagon” for a short while. Or go into a day or week of Depression because we have this or that disease, etc. Grief is not just for the Loss of a Loved Family Member(including Pets) or a Good Friend. http://www.recover-from-grief.com/other-grievous-loss.html

Some People never get through the G. Process to Acceptance and Rebuilding. I Truly hope that you will get through this.

Go through the G. Process at your Own pace. Don’t be shoved through it by Family, Friends or Acquaintances. Try not to feel Ashamed or feel like you are Less of a Person because you have Diabetes, etc. It Is Not Your Fault!!

Yes, Diabetes is overwhelming. You have learned the basics, so refresh those. Go slowly in learning the rest. Since you are going through the Grieving Process, most of what you learn now will just be a jumbled mess in your brain. Learn 1 or 2 helpful Diabetes Tips a week, if you want or not.

Keep a “Diabetes - Helpful Tips” on a Word page or whatever you have. Type in and Save Tips that you come across, for later viewing when you are Ready to absorb them.

If you haven’t already, there are many helpful Groups(click on Groups) at the top of the page to Read info and to maybe Join some Groups, if you like.

All these Lovely Ladies have definitely given you some Good pointers.

Btw, Most Diabetics, Do Not always have Perfect numbers in the Perfect Range. There will always be Something to throw us off even if we run a Perfect ship. Things like Stress(high or low numbers), Hot or cold Weather(high or Low), etc., etc., and that Is okay, as long as it is not too often or prolonged.

You are young, so you have Some Time on your side! You Will Succeed and Live a Long Useful Life!! Great Luck to You!!! :slight_smile:

Oh woaaw. i so remember this feeling aye. I sometimes miss doing silly things that was bad for me ie-drinking heaps, taking drugs, eating crap, or just not being that T1 diabetic. The confusion will fade and youll feel like injecting, doctors etc etc will eventually feel like second nature. and you wont even end up thinking about it. after a while youll just wanna be healthy. i think i have a better diet and healthier body than alot of my friends around me after diabetes. LOL hope you gather good info and support from sites like this and people around yar!

You sound like you are doing fine. It has only been a month for you, give yourself more time to learn and absorb info from TuD members and other websites for diabetics. Also there are many good books to check out that can help you understand this new condition that you will have for the rest of your life. We all went thru the stage you are in now, basically overwhelmed by all you are supposed to think about and do. After a while it will become second nature and your normal routine. Just ask whatever you want to know we are all here to help.

Hang in there. I was diagnosed in April. I was mad for 6 weeks at everyboday and evrything. It goes witht ht territory. This site has more helful people than any other I have found. They all help you take control of you. That is where we all have to come too. Everyday I scratch my head and wish things could be different. I have not got this “Disease” figured out in my head. I do know I can come here an find answers and help. I refuse and I hope you fefuse to let this “Disease” ruin the quality of this wonderful thing called life. FJ