Paleo types out there?

Are any of you folks living a Paleo lifestyle? If so, how is it working for you? Have you seen a difference in any of your diabetes symptoms?

I'm not strictly Paleo. I try to follow Dr. Bernstein. I eat pasture raised meat, low carb vegetables, no fast acting carbs, and lots of seeds and nuts. My bg has ranged between 4.9-5.3 over the past three years. I don't take insulin, but I exercise a whole lot. I will need to go on insulin, but the Endo can't give it to me until my A1c cannot be maintained with exercise and diet.
All issues that led me to suspect I was diabetic went away as soon as I went uber low carb. It was dramatic. It gave me inspiration to continue. I'm getting old at 60yo, and I don't know how much longer I can exercise at the intensity that I am. So far, so good. I do circuits(tabatta), kettlebells, hip-hop, Zumba, TRX, regular boxing, and kickboxing. So, it is not just diet for me.
I have always cooked all of my food from scratch. I don't eat any of the starches that I make for my family. I bake cookies and do normal Grandma stuff. My two remaining kids at home always ate good food. I suspected LADA because of my autoimmune history and healthy lifestyle.
I don't eat fruit, onions, or tomatoes.

I ate extremely low-carb Paleo for months, when we knew mu BG was high but I didn’t have the test for insulin antibodies done yet, so we were assuming I was a T2. I ate very low carb and exercised like crazy.

I felt horrible. Low energy and so, so cranky. And I felt mentally dull, slow. Just miserable. And my BG was still too high even though I was only eating like 20g carb/day (all from non-starchy veg).

Since my tests came back and I’m officially a T1 and on low doses of insulin, my doctor has be eating 30-45g of long-acting carb per meal. I feel fantastic, like a whole new person.

I won’t go back to eating fast-acting carbs again, or eating a lot of carbs, but I won’t cut out all grains, legumes, and fruit again either.