Hi all… I am 30. T1 for 17 yrs. I’m getting married in May and we are wanting to start ttc around that time. I have a pre appt on Fri and was wondering if there is anything in particular I need to ask about or discuss? My a1c is 6.2 and I’m on a pump and prenatal Vitamin. I am trying to lose some weight before wedding and ttc but other than we are excited to start the prep for the next stage. Any advice will be helpful. Thanks
Sounds like you are on the right track! You have a great A1c and it is great that you have already been taking prenatal vitamins.
Here are a couple of things I would ask at your appointment:
- Who will be overseeing your diabetes care throughout your pregnancy? I see strictly high risk OBs at my hospital and they manage my diabetes themselves. I will return to seeing my regular endo post-pregnancy. I do know other people coordinate with both their OBs and their endos. It may depend on your doctor and your hospital/facility, so always good to know ahead of time!
- Will they have you keep logs or download readings from your meter? And how often?
- What kinds of additional testing will they prefer you partake in since you are a T1D? I have had some different tests/bloodwork done than my non-diabetic friends. I will also be going in this week for a fetal echocardiogram. May depend on your provider and facility.
- Do they follow certain protocols solely because you are diabetic? For example, do they automatically induce at a specific time?
- Will you have more ultrasounds/appointments than a typical pregnancy?
Those were the main questions that I asked at my pre-conception appointment. Also, I would recommend reading "Balancing Pregnancy with Pre-existing Diabetes" by Cheryl Alkon. I found it very helpful, and it is great to hear stories from women who have already gone through the whole process. I started reading it when we were TTC.
Such an exciting time! Good luck with everything!
Exciting! I am 25 weeks on Friday and had the same A1C as you when I conceived!
I think it depends on who you are meeting with...the OB I met with ended up not being the OB I am seeing now and it was already determined that my diabetes doctor would be the one managing my diabetes and communicating with my OB. The OB just basically told me what appointments I would be having, when they typically induce Diabetics, the option to see a high risk specialist, additional tests they do, etc. How your diabetes goes during pregnancy will also make a difference in how often they see you. I've been in great control and have had no problems so my appointments with my OB have been pretty standard, I am not seeing a high risk OB.
If you are meeting with your Endocrinologist or the person managing your diabetes, I definitely agree with the other poster about asking question about how often they will want to see your logs, how they will get them, how often you have to see them, etc. For me, I see my Endocrinologist every other week and email downloads of my Dexcom to her and my nutritionist twice a week. I ended up going on the Gestational Diabetes diet a few weeks into my pregnancy as well to help with blood sugar spikes.
Also highly recommend the book mentioned below, it is great!.
Thanks girls! My appt went great! My high risk ob/gyno gave me approval to start trying when we’re ready. We are planning to wait til May. My endo and her had already seen my recent labs and he had already said I was good to go! I feel so much better about everything and we are both so excited!