Prenatal vitomins?

I read on ceveral websites the help you to get pregnant because they give you all the nutrients you need to get and stay pregnant. What are your guys prespective on that?

It is recommended to start taking prenatal vitamins about 3 months prior to conceiving, if you are able. The reason for this is because of the folic acid content. Folic acid is needed by the developing embryo for spinal cord development. The neural tube closes around 4 weeks, often before a women realizes she’s pregnant. Lack of folic acid in your diet has been linked to spinal cord abnormalities such as spina bifida. Otherwise, I don’t think it helps you to “get or stay” pregnant.

Yes three months with taking Folic acid and take it for another 12 weeks after you become pregant take about 400 microgram folic acid tablet every day,Also important is to take food or VP.Vitamin D 10Mg day,Iron and Vitamin C and Calcium,There are some foods you should not eat when you're pregnant such as some types of cheese,Raw or partially cooked eggs,Raw or undercooked meat,Liver products,Don't take high-dose multivitamin supplements, fish liver oil supplements or any supplements containing vitamin A,Raw shellfish,Peanuts,Unpasteurised milk,Keep coffee intake low,Sushi and cooked and cold meats.Hope this helps