Questions about medicine and lab results

I’ve been a diagnosed Type 2 diabetic for around 7 years now. I use to manage through diet and exercise, but over the past year I have gone from Metformin to full blown need for (just basal) insulin. I am 38 and eat fairly decent and am moderately active. Over the past year, my blood sugars have been out of control with fasting levels in the low-200’s and high’s that can get into the high 300’s. Now with 80 units of Levemir, Farxiga, 2000 mg of Metformin and a now weekly Trulicity, I am getting within a healthy range (my a1c was 9.6 5 weeks ago and is now 7.6). I only started insulin a little over a year ago.

My c-peptide has come in within a normal-ish appearing range (I’m within normal range but high blood sugars which apparantly is sign of beta cell dysfunction) and I am waiting for my GAD testing and some additional tests, but I am concerned about the amount of medication I am now on. Is this a “normal” amount of needed medicine? I’m 6’2" 240 lbs

I’m curious if anyone has had this sudden need for an increase in insulin and could there be other factors that are playing into it? Could this be a sign of LADA? Any thoughts are appreciated.

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@melitta has a description of all the tests you should ask for. Our community here was founded by a LADA (@askmanny) and we have lots of members with a deep understanding of it.

Let us know what happens and Welcome to TuDiabetes!


Oh my @briguynla1…I’m also T2 and 7 years in. While I am not on meds yet, I had a horrible rough patch early summer into late August with some fasting #s being higher than they were at Dx which hadn’t happened in about 6 years. I had no idea what to do except get even tighter on my eating of carbs and exercise.

I’ve been lo-carb for awhile and it has been good for me, but I know it is not appropriate or necessary for all of us. As I age and other things get worse (fibromyalgia and arthritis), I have been studying up on things like sitting yoga for arthritis and various aerobic sitting exercises and Tai Chi which I love. It is a difficult transition, but I keep plugging away.

Also—and this is vital for me, but not necessarily for you—as a post-hysterectomy old woman (2006), I still have up to a dozen hot flashes/day and every one raises my BS by at least 18 points (I tested through a few, minute by minute back when I had a good supply of strips) and heat and humidity have always exacerbated my numbers.

It’s all settled down in the last month, but I’m not sure what made a difference—it was Oregon’s hottest summer ever, but???

And now I have some stressful family “stuff” to deal with so everything could go whacko again…Anyway—I empathize. From what I have learned here about LADA, it could be that. Many others here at TuD will be able to advise you on that…

Wishing you all the best in figuring out the eternal puzzle that is our common scourge…Judith in Portland…Blessings

I’m almost two weeks into new regiment and the Trulicity at just 0.75mg has gotten my fasting levels down to almost 100. This is down from fasting levels around 225-250 when I was just on Lantus. After this weekend I am stepping up to 1.5mg and lowering my Lantus amounts. Interesting how well this is working for me.

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I am about to take my first shot of Trulicity and very nervous. I’ve read some of the comments. I would like to know the best time of day to take it. I only take 750 mg. Of metformin at night. I’m hoping to get off the metformin completely.

Hi, I am also about to start Trulicity, and am also a little nervous. I have been reading great reviews and also terrible stories. I am on metformin and invokana and have had no issues with either.
Good luck, and I would like to hear about your experience.

I personally have had amazing results from Trulicity. Lost a bunch of weight (25 pounds in 4 months — but dieting as well), my A1C is down to 5.6 and I feel better than I have in years. I am not a doctor and can only speak for my own experience, but it has been life changing.