All excellent questions!
There are non metformin comments and metformin comments.
a) during the day I could see and watch the CGMS BG level constantly drift upwards after digestion complete. Any dose up to sufficient strength re liver ( 500 mg to 750 mg) usually will cut off excess liver leak.
b) Dawn ffect from 3:00am to 8:30 am - for some a dose of slow insulin may help stop but for me - metformin doses more effective.
c) I found with cgms that at end of digestive cycle when BG is dropping, eating a snack can cause a liver dump.
I do not like the massive doses once a day. For me here is what I do:
10:00pm and 12:00am midnight - one 500 mg dose at each time. That usually
wrestles dawn effect to ground.
One hour before each meal, I take a 500 mg dose of metformin and that stops sneaky liver dumps.
The other item my Doctor had me do was to watch my Blood glucose and not let is go under 100 or less to prevent forcing liver to add glucose when BG goes sub 70. My liver just wants to throw whole liver buffer in these situations instead of just bring glucose up to 100 and not exceed 20% plus.
Like I said - this what I do.
One item I really object to is this idiotic view that the body can take on huge dose of metformin and properly redistribute around the clock. Due to the fact that the liver is responding to up to strength metformin in blood AND NOT residuals; it is more effective to take smaller effective doses spread on clock for max liver benefit.
Others have this view it takes weeks to see metformin work. For me it worked on every dose and observable on cgms. Lag time - 2.5 hours.
The only way to provide proper levels across long time period is to space across clock based on effigy/half-life time. I spent tons of hours looking at this for my doc looking at blood pressure pills and metformin.
Incidently, the timing for metformin is 2.5 hours after ingestion tomax level in blood that liver watches. Then the time the dose lives is 1 to 3 hours and for me 2 hours. Lastly the effect dissapears in 1/2 hour for me.
The effect of the metformin was easily seen on the cgms and confirm the timing and see when the liver clamped back on glucose leakage.
Weight loss started as soon as liver monkey shines arrested. I was on same diet 2 years before and continued afterwords. I dropped to 241 pounds from 330 and the weight loss was slow and continuous.