Quick Question if anyone has time

Ah, I miss the days when a single unit would do it for morning dawn/feet-hit-the-floor.

Okay, not to hijack the thread for dawn stuff.
It’s easy to be an armchair doctor, so I won’t claim any special wisdom, but the last, and only time I had an asymmetric pain it was shingles. No fun, but neither are your alternatives, and the other commenters have some valuable insights. Get those test results, talk to the professionals and figure it out. Based on your bg’s it seems unlikely your symptoms are purely D related. Even a little added stress associated with a non-D medical condition can easily send your bg’s way beyond what you’re accustomed to.

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Thank you guys. I’ve been to the ER twice this weekend. The facial pain has been extremely bad only worse by the leg pain. I’ve only slept 2 total hours. The leg pain awakes me. I’m really not doing good. The er doctors prescribed some pain killers, but even those don’t stop the leg pain. Ok.

Are you on any statins? If so, did your dose increase lately? Statins are known to cause muscle cramping.

Have they done any dopplers on your legs or arms? If you dangle your feet over the side of the bed or when you stand up / sit up, do the leg pains go away? Vascular disease can cause pain/cramping and depending upon the severity, cause problems when you are laying flat.

No statins. Really no medicine except for vitamins. As soon as I get up and move… the pain goes away. Just happens when I lay down on my back. I can’t believe it would be Vascular disease… each time I’m checked… the nurse says “Wow 110 over 70…” then I say…well I’m eating more vegetables than roger rabbit. The blood tests show slightly low RBC count and something high on a WBC.

On a positive note… I was able to sleep last night. I see my GP tomorrow and the boss is going with me… she means business. :wink:


I’m sure you’ll say something to your doctor tomorrow about the leg crams (or the boss!), the doctor will surely have some ideas!

I have interesting idea that I’m going to pitch to the GP doctor. He believes that I’m a type 2, so here is my theory. On my blood work… each time my Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) has been over the limit high. Here is my theory… just a theory mind you. If I’m infected with a bacterial infection (Lyme), it makes sense it would live in the red blood cells… hence expanding the volume of the red blood cells. If you take a red blood cell and expand it to the max… what happens? Either the insulin or glucose can’t get in… right or they don’t match up? Hence high levels of free Glucose… I also have a low RBC count. Perhaps the host bacterial infection is killing the RBC? Making it even tougher for the insulin or glucose to travel?

Either way… I’m asking for antibiotics and will probably be denied.

I’m not sure if anyone ever explained why they don’t just let you take antibiotics, without being able to pinpoint a specific reason for them.

Antibiotics are great for when you need them, due to an infection, but if you take them too much, even with an infection, they can do major harm. My husband was on four months of antibiotics to cure an infection which could have gone to the bone. It ended up causing problem of another sort, c-diff. He was very sick and ended up on another month of a different antibiotic, probiotics, yogurts, … I, we, were very scared. It was during this time frame that he started to eat low carb and I began reading/experimenting with keto.

Moral of the story, today, whenever I hear antibiotic, I immediately suggest probiotics, yogurts,… anything to help keep the gut healthy while you’re on them.

There is now a fairly widespread ideology in medicine that antibiotics should not be overprescribed, since this increases the rate at which bacteria evolve to become resistant to them, and once we get into the era of general bacterial resistance to antibiotics, we will have to fall back on the older and less effective sulfa drugs of the 1930s. I think this attitude goes too far at times, with the result that some patients who really should receive antibiotics don’t.

Seriously, even though you went to the Doctor once and he said you were okay, if you keep having any symptoms see your regular doctor as soon as possible or see another at prompt care. Get insistent. I fell, went into urgent care right away, in so much pain in my back the next day I went back and even asked if they thought my back was okay and they just repeated it is a back sprain. 6 weeks later, 2 PA’s later, 2 Drs later, someone finally did a back X-ray and guess what? I had a fractured spine.

And virus’s do weird things, like bells palsy, or when I got shingles, no rash but my scalp was very sore. Sometimes antivirals can really help them from getting worse. Infections too can cause some weird symptoms depending where they are. And different Doctors spot different things!

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Well as much as I don’t want to admit this. I think this might be MS. I’m sure it is going to be progressive and the symptoms get worse without any relapse. All this time… I was thinking these odd symptoms were diabetes related. The fatigue, heat sweating, tingling legs, changing vision. My immune system as went crazy. God, I don’t know how I’m going to handle this.

While there is a higher than normal correlation between MS and type 1 diabetes, since they are both autoimmune diseases, anyone suspecting that neurological symptoms are caused by MS and not diabetic neuropathy should see a neurologist to confirm the diagnosis.

If it is MS then I would think you would handle it one day at a time with research and help from your medical team. However all of those symptoms could be any number of issues so I would wait until I got all of the tests I needed to confirm. I have a friend with MS and she manages pretty well and she can’t even take the steroids and several other medications that are traditionally used for treating MS. Good luck!