Scared of Insulin - Medication Trial and Error

Adult onset of T1 is all too common (as is the mis-dx of T2 for these folks) From what I’ve read, the majority of new T 1 dx’s are adults. a LOT ARE TOSE WHO WERE INITIA;LL;Y MIS’DX’D. tHERE ARE STIL HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS WHO THINK ONLY CHILDREN GET T1. (oops hit the caps key) Have ther blood tests - demand them if need be.

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Another reply, it is hard for PEWD2’s (people with diabetes type 2) to get access and/or coverage to CGM. Call the Libre folks to see if your health plan covers it in another city or for T1’s. Sometimes they will let you pay (still out of pocket) but at the rate your health plan pays. I showed proof of insurance (I have T1) and got an Rx and for several years I paid 50% which is what my health plan paid in another state. It is worth a try.

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Insulin is not a sign of failure! Your pancreas is impaired and is not producing enough insulin to overcome the insulin resistance. My pancreas failed all at once long ago so I’ve been on insulin for 52 years. Yes insulin does have some serious side effects but it sure beats killing all your internal organs with high blood sugars. Take it slow and easy. Stay low carb, even if you can bolus enough to cover pizza, ice cream, and mashed potatoes with gravy. DO NOT eat to your insulin. Only take enough insulin to cover your reduced number of carbs. Keep life savers or some glucose tabs in case of low blood sugar. Best of Luck! You can do this!

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