Seeking input on bioresonance

So, nearly one year after Dx as a T1, I think I'm finally ready to give up the smokes. I picked up the habit as a teenager, I think because it was the only thing I had within my control. Ironically, it's ended up the other way around. I've spent some time thinking about the fact that any addiction is two-pronged: there's the physical habit, and then the physiological addiction; I think I've been in the former camp for awhile. My daytime life is very routine (I've held the same job for twelve years!), but on those days when I don't have that then I don't think about it as much.

One would think it wouldn't be hard for me to quit because I've never been what's termed a heavy smoker (average of 7 or 8 a day). But the cold turkey thing doesn't work and I don't want to do the gum/lozenges thing or even Zyban or Wellbutrin. I want to try hypnosis. The technique nowadays includes bioresonance (something about reprogramming your body's cravings by returning it to pre-nicotine state). I wonder if anyone out there has experience with bioresonance?

I smoke 4-5 smokes a day and ask myself why I even smoke. I gave it up 3 years ago with a little help from homoeopathic remedies. I used them for about 2 weeks, to get me over that 21 day hump that usually holds a smoker back from quitting-quitting and inevitability getting back on the wagon. I started back up about a year later, with that first smoke under the illusion that it would be the only one. I would eventually quit again also. Although, one step at a time for me.

I wish you the best and would be interested in knowing how the hypnosis works. I’ve heard a couple of things one the pro side along with the negative. GOOD LUCK!!

I just quit smoking almost a month ago. I had been smoking for about 15+ years. I averaged about a pack a day. I quit cold turkey. It was extremely difficult at first, but now it’s getting a lot easier. I think I’m over the hump. The cravings are decreasing and I’ve successfully broken the habit. Honestly, I enjoyed smoking. But being a diabetic, I know it is really stupid smoke. I want to keep my toes and not die of heart problems or cancer. Also it’s a complete waste of money. I would have to say it’ll take will power more then anything. And you have to WANT to quit. I don’t think anything you try will work unless you truly WANT TO QUIT. I speak from my own experience. I’m not totally in the clear myself but I think I’m done smoking for good. I hope you quit. GOOD LUCK!!

I made that mistake myself 10 years ago thinking I could buy one pack, smoke it all, and then go back to not smoking again. 10 years later of smoking a pack a day and I’ve recently quit again. Hopefully for good.