Some interesting information about Dexcom and its wireless

Was looking for an article to explain a bit where and why the Dexcom has the range it does..

Part of it has to do with Dex wanting its sensors not to interfere but at the same time stay small..

(even though the articles a bit old, it still applies)

This article explains about the MITS band (where pacemakers, other CGMs (Medtronic) and such lie and how Medtronic doesn't think Dexcom belongs in this frequency band, but yet their CGM does.. Even though another pacemaker manufacturer (Biotronik) actually sided with Dexcom saying there shouldnt be a problem with their device)

That is a pretty interesting read - thanks for sharing!

Interesting article, thanks for sharing it. I recently purchased a Seven + device and wondered how long the actual transmissions lasted. Six to nine milliseconds (or 6 to 9/1000ths of a second) is surprisingly quick.