Standing on the edge... help me make the jump!

I have had an omnipod and Dexcom for three years. I am so happy to cease the MDI. Best of luck.

Good Luck. I've been T1 for 59 years, 9 on Minimed and the first person to get an OmniPod. It's literally the first time I basically feel nondiabetic.


Good luck, I hope it is everything you hope for. I was you last year - 38 years MDI and finally took the plunge. Got omnipod in May and have not looked back. To echo the others - the pod has taken away so much work of being a PWD. My CDE really wanted me to get a different pump and suggested a bunch but I had already made up my mind. I love not having to disconnect to go for a swim or take a shower. Being able to customize the basal programs to suit my active lifestyle also is a lifesaver.

I hope all is well Curt. Can’t wait to hear how it’s going.