Considering getting an insulin pump/omnipod

Hi everyone! I'm brand new to the site and fairly new to the whole diabetes thing in general. I've had type one for about one and a half years now, and have been fairly successful in managing my blood sugar with humalog and lantus shots. However, i just started college this past semester and controlling my diabetes at school has proven to be much more difficult. So I am considering getting a pump, and I am especially interested in the omnipod.

I have heard a lot of good things about omnipods, and my endos definitely push them. I just wanted to ask you guys for any personal advice about them - the good, the bad, the ugly. Also, I had heard that a new smaller model was supposed to come out in December 2010 but haven't been able to find any information about it. Does anyone know if this is true or if it is a rumor?

Thanks so much! Looking forward to getting to know some of you! :)

I love my omnipod! You can check out the omnipod users group here on TuD for a ton of info. As with any medical device, there can be hiccups, but I personally wouldn't trade it for the world. I am one of those people that have an aversion to tubes ( I don't know, just stuck in my ways I guess) and thus never had pump prior to my omnipod, so hopefully someone can respond who has used both a traditional pump and the omnipod, and give you some more insight. Best of luck!

I use a pump with tubing, MM, and prefer it. You have to make up your own mind but if it were me I would consider:

1. Handle all three main pumps before deciding. (MM, Animus, Omnipod)

2. Consider both the pros and cons of each. Which cons can you live with?

3. The cons I have heard about the Omnipod are that 1) if you knock it off (and it's easier than with the others), you lose all the insulin in it even if you just changed it, as you have to insert a new pod. Depending on how active you are, and what activities, it could be more or less convenient. The main pro I hear is convenience re the lack of tubing. But you have already been referred to the pod site for more detailed pros and cons.

4. I am always amazed at how many pre-pumpers think that the tubing is such a major hassle. It never has been for me or for most others who use the tubed pumps. I am not recommending either type. Just hoping you won't assume that something will be a problem before reading further.

Good luck with your research. There are dozens of threads about this very topic, choosing a pump, so you should get lots of info. Then, I do strongly suggest you have a visit with each company's rep before deciding. And even then, you may decide to change when your 4 year warranty is up!

I have the Ping but I did read recently on another site that the smaller pods probably won't happen until the end of 2011. I have no clue where that person got her information from.

I typically use a MM, but recently had a chance to use the omnipod for a few days. I definitely liked, but for now will stick to the MM because the tubing is a non-issue for me by now. Request a trial pod if you haven't already, that will give you the most insight into whether or not it'll work for you. If it does, then go for it. If not, then consider a tubed pump because they really aren't as bad as they seem at first.

As for what is coming in the future, it's always tough to tell. Most of the pump/cgm companies have reps that are prone to hyping things up too much. MM reps have been saying that a new cgm sensor is right around the corner for over a year now, but it has yet to materialize because the FDA hasn't approved it yet. The truth is that, until the FDA approves a device or a particular modification, the people working for the companies don't have any better idea of when something will hit the market than we do.

Hi Stephanie-

I was just about your age and in your situation when I got the oPod- 1.5 years after diagnosis, in college (I was a sophomore), and ready for a change. I am currently a college junior. I absolutely LOVE the omniPod and would recommend it to a busy college student, hands down. I would recommend you check out the OmniPod Users group to hear what others are talking about in terms of their pump. Best of luck!


I am in college to, but I have been using pumps for about 11 years. They are phenomenal to say the least, but they each have advantages and disadvantages for sure. I switched to the Omnipod last year because I am in nursing school and I thought i could hide the pod better when working with patients. There are some things I love about the pod, such as having it connected all the time so its truly continuous insulin. However, the bad outweighed the good for me. Pods fail constantly, and when they do you better pray you have at least one extra one with you at all times plus insulin and skin tac. The freestyle meter that comes with the omnipod PDM is horrible and thats being kind. The worst thing is Insulet customer service. WHen my meter malfunctioned they had me check 12 times between two meters to see if there meter was really wrong. The one touch read within 5 points every time, the freestyle was off by as much as 70 ranging from 52-125. Omnipod offered to replace it but the customer service rep tried explaining how it was my fault for not using alcohol swabs, I informed her the other meter was working perfect without it. The animas ping is awesome. I have used animas for 8 of my 11 years on pumps and they are number one. Customer service is great, the pump works all the time and its really easy to hide the tube. Give them a try for yourself, thats your best bet. Good luck

I have used Omni, MM, and Animas. Like others have said there are benefits to each. I liked the automatic insertion on the Omni. It leaves more possibilities of where you can put it. I have never had much of an issue with disconnecting my "tethered" pump to shower etc so the truly continuous action of the Omni has never been a big plus for me. The negatives for Omni would have to be the size of the Pod (I can't use my stomach without looking like I have a serious growth), the way it tracks insulin on board (probably not as much as an issue with someone new to pump), and you better have that PDM with you at all times (I have had to skip meals because for one reason or another I did not have it).

As far as features, MM and Animas are virtually the same. Animas has the Meter remote that you can bolus from (in case your pump is hidden). If you are a water person Animas has the waterproof feature. I have found both the Ping and MM pump to be waterproof but if something were to go wrong I would want the company that says they are waterproof. I have the general sense that the Animas pump is more hardy. MM does have the only integrated pump with CGMS (I will tell you in my case the CGMS of MM is not worth the money I paid to have the sensors- very poor accuarcy on the lows).

All things considered I prefer Animas over MM because their sales tactics do not seem near as aggressive as MM. Animas seems to be the type to let you know the benefits of there pump and let you decide. In various circumstances I have found MM to be more high pressure. As far as Omni the negatives outweigh the positives for me. I don't particularly like the tubing but there are different options as far as tubing length that can help mitigate any reasons you do not like the idea of tubes.

As others have stated I would do as much research as possible. Hold all the different pumps. Play with them. Sometimes you can do a couple day saline trial of pumps with tubes just to see what the tube is actually like. I would def recommend getting a demo Pod and put that on for a couple of days.

Good luck!

I have had the 100% exact OPPOSITE of this in terms of my experience with the Omnipod and Insulet. From day one of getting my sample pod, they have been prompt, helpful, informative, and generally on the ball with everything.

As for pods failing constantly - I have had not had a single pod fail me without reason. I do get occlusions every so often, but it's usually an issue of where I placed it. Insulet has been very firm about their willingness to replace any pump that fails, at least to me. I always try to carry around one extra pump and insulin too - just in case something happens. They have always adhered to me very well also, though I know some people say they have trouble with it. They also always ship my new pods out to me early, which is nice.

And no, you don't lose all your insulin if you, for whatever reason, lose/need to change a pod early. Just withdraw the insulin back out. I know you're not *supposed* to...but I haven't ever seen a problem doing that either and I know many other people do this as well.

And I LOVE the meter it comes with. The sample size needed is one of the smallest on the market. Again, I've never had an issue with the meter readings being off. AND the one time my meter broke (I dropped it one too many times I think, lol) they sent me a new one fast and speedy with no questions asked. The only downside to using their meter is that the Freestyle strips are more expensive. Having your pdm for your pump and your meter all in one is convenient.

I like that it's waterproof and doesn't protrude under clothing, even for thinner people. I like that I don't have to worry about somehow getting caught on tubing either in my sleep or day-to-day activities. I'm not trying to sell the Omnipod as an end-all-be-all, but I honestly have had nothing but positive experiences with both the product and the company. I know for many that the Omnipod is too expensive, so check out what your coverage is with your insurance too.

Each pump out there has its own pro's and con's and you should definitely look into each and decide what will fit your needs best. Wish you all the best and hope that you have a good experience, whichever pump you go with!

I'm an OmniPod user. It was my first pump. I avoided pumping because the tubing icked me out. I'm not all that graceful and I could see me getting caught on a desk drawer pull or something. I can't judge any of the other pumps, though some of them do offer more fractional dosing. The smaller pods are coming. I had heard it would be in 2010. Now it's looking like some time in 2011. Also, Dexcom and Insulet are working on a combined unit.

I really do like the OmniPod a great deal. I've forgotten my PDM a couple of times -- you usually don't have to do it too many times. I have pulled the insulin out of bad pods -- once at the Insulet table at the Dance Out Diabetes event here. I like to wear the pods on the backs of my arms. It keeps them out of the way and they seem most comfortable there. It took me a long time to cotton to the pump, but now that I'm here, I don't know how I lived without one. It is a very good idea to investigate all of your options.

I found my biggest help in tight control was a CGMS. You might want to investigate one of those as well. With both the Dexcom and the OmniPod I was able to tighten up my control a great deal. The pump does allow you a certain amount of flexibility to sleep in and delay meals. Since you aren't using a long-acting, there's less left up to chance and absorbtion.

Good luck and welcome aboard!

Welcome to the world of pumping! ;-)

I started pumping spring of my 3rd year of college and wish I had started earlier; however, I was still using NPH at the time...

Like others have said, see if you can get each of the models you are thinking about in your hands. I wish I had done that when I started as I switched pumps not even 2yrs later. I have had an Animas pump for the last 6+yrs. I love the fact that I can still shower with it (just hook it to the shower curtain) as it is waterproof. Unlike others on here, I do not have the ability to bolus with the blood testing machine, but you learn quickly to count buttons as you are feeling up your leg/down your shirt ;-) This is a decision of what is best for you... that is why there are so many out there. Good luck in making your decision.

My son is now 16…diagnosed one year ago on 11/14. He has a cousin who was diagnosed 3 months before him…she chose the Animas Ping and is in her first year of College and doing very well with it. He chose the Omnipod because he wanted to be tubeless and is very active. She didn’t want a pod…she said it looked like a “leech” lol. He didn’t want the Ping because he knew he’d end up pulling out the tubes all the time. She seems to be having less trouble with what we call “pump change highs”…but we don’t know if it is an absorption issue for him that he would have w/any pump change or if it is something to do w/ the pods. Still trying to figure that out. He says he would hate to have to use all the stuff needed for the infusion sets…loves the self insertion of the pods. Either… is way better for him than the strict regimen of MDI… he hated having to record everything in the log book and he hated not knowing IOB or being able to increase or decrease the basal amounts. Hope this helps some. Good luck w/ what ever you decide.

Thank you all so much for your insights and two cents! I can see that this community will be very helpful and you all are obviously very supportive. I’m so glad I stumbled upon this website! Anyways, I recently saw my endo and she actually agrees with many of you in that the omnipod is prone to many problems and probably not the best choice unless I am absolutely opposed to tubing… which I had originally thought I was but I think I may be more opposed to the “growth” look that comes with the pod. However, I think I will have the opportunity to physically compare the three types side by side so that should be helpful in making my final decision. Again, thank you all for your contributions! :slight_smile:

I've also had 100% opposite. I postponed getting anything forever! Finally, 3 months ago got a pod. I've had nothing but wonderful help from insulet, replacements without any hassle. I wear them where they won't get knocked off. Stomach, legs, back the only time I had an issue is when I placed on my arm, knocked it right off. If I wear it high under my bra line or under my beltline (favorite places) it's not even noticable.I've had more problems recently but the first 2 months was uneventful but again, nothing but wonderful help from the company, replacements immediately.

But...... Just found our insurance has changed from HAP to BCBShit (yes, I said it, get over it) through GM, and neither the Omnipod nor Dex CGM are covered! I'm pissed!!!! Spent all of Thurs. morning sobbing. I had finally broke down, got a pump and a Dexcom and now it's over, had it just long enough to love it and WHAM, have to go back to shots with NO CGM or a Minimed, period, no other choices. I'm pissed.

I wish they had the pump when I was diagnosed as Type 1 as a college junior in 1980, I’ve used the OmniPod since April and wouldn’t look back. Keep reading these forum posts and pay attention and be patient, after a short time you will get it, it will all click and you will be amazed. I had an OK trainer but I’ve learned so much more reading here. Site placement is a very individual thing, you will figure out what works for you, then stick with what works. Don’t load cold insulin, and if you get a bad pod you can carefully extract the unused insulin but realize the official word is you shouldn’t (of course reality and co-pays inspire other things…) If you are active, you will knock it off but you will also figure that out. This technology is amazing, good luck.

the omni pod is a good pump. you dont have to worry about tubeings or anything. th only problem is its kind of heavy and u cant loose the meeter