Sudden Decrease Insulin Needs Indicate a Problem?

I am not sure whether to be relieved or worried. I am currently 19 weeks pregnant and have been fighting highs my entire pregnancy until about the past 5 days with no increase in insulin I have now been fighting lows and go low everynight while sleeping. My blood sugars are just “too good” the highest in days being 120 when my average daily high before was around 200. Not sure where I remember reading it or if it only applies to the last trimester where the placenta ages but I for some reason remember hearing that a sudden decrease in insulin needs indicates a problem and insulin needs should only rise. Any thoughts? I am worrying myself sick! Any advice would be very much appreciated!!

I had a very good period with super numbers in the second trimester too, but i didn’t have to lower my insulin. I started to worry around week 32, when it was a while since i had an increase in my needs and i was actually starting to see a decrease. I don’t know if they were related, but my placenta started to age soon, and at 37 weeks (when i delivered) it looked as if it was a 42 weeks placenta. My baby also didn’t grow much in that last week (only 50 grams).
My opinion is that it is too early for your placenta to age, but you should have a close look from now on, meaning taking ultrasounds that can tell how it looks and how the baby is growing.

I think that placenta deterioration is usually accompanied by very sudden decreases in insulin needs (like a sudden drop of 50%). It could be just that changes in hormones led to the changes.

When do you go for your next ultrasound? They can check the condition of the placenta – just so you don’t worry :slight_smile:

I would say keep up the good blood sugars and watch for further decreases in your insulin needs. Also, could it be that your activity level has increased or that the weather has gotten warmer (I never noticed this affecting my insulin needs, but some say that it does…).

i am 16 weeks and experienced something similar. i have had good control over the past 2 months and suddenly was experiencing severe lows all the time. i just saw my perinatal diabetes nurse educator yesterday and she said i’m fine - that there sometimes is a dip in insulin needs between 15-20 weeks before the insulin resistance really kicks in and by the third trimester, insulin needs have practically tripled.

you definitely want to work with your endo to tweak your basal or insulin to carb ratios in the meantime because too many lows are a problem for obvious reasons, but also because you could lose your symptoms of detecting lows if they occur too often.

I haven’t struggled too much with consistent highs, I just tend to have random highs every now and then. Recently (weeks 17-19) I have been having a lot of lows, but I’ve been struggling with lows since the start. I have reduced my insulin quite a bit this past week however (week 19). I’m not worried. As long as my placenta is not producing insulin resistance I think that we can expect lots of lows. I also hear that around week 20 the baby goes through a growth spurt. My tummy has grown quite a bit the past few weeks. I reckon that without insulin resistance this kiddo is burning through carbs. I’m actually making the most of this time and eating lots of fruit when I’m low and I’m eating more protein with snacks to try to help keep my BG levels up. I had a detailed ultrasound this week. The baby and my placenta looks great. Talk to you Dr. for sure when you have your next appointment, but I think that in the second trimester when you haven’t hit insulin resistance yet that lows are normal and healthy, just not much fun :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the helpful advice&reassurance you all are great! I have not had to actually decrease my insulin and have not had a low under 60. I basically just flatline almost all day long and have nondiabetic numbers which I’m totally fine with just very very unusual for me. I have actually decreased my activity level because I usually workout an hour a day 7 days a week so I’m giving myself a little break while my blood sugars are doing so outstanding. I’ll be calling my ob/gyn on Monday to move my ultrasound up a week just so I can ease my mind.

Sounds like you are doing GREAT! Way to go!!!

When I was pregnant my endo explained to me that no matter what was going on, eventhing plateau’s at around week 20 or 22. He explained that if you were low in the beginning you would balance out, if you were high in the beginning you would balance out…maybe that’s what’s happening now to you…you’re balancing out!

I would speak with your endo and see what they think. I too would worry just because it’s something different and we all hate the unknown. You’re doing everything right and you just need to keep on doing what you’re doing. Keep us posted.

The heat had gotten to me big time and I had to decrease my basal and I:C a few times only to have to increase them a bit a week later. I’m hitting 25 wks and have to lower my night time basal but increase my afternoon on…weird but I’m not worried as I had an Ultrasound a week ago and I can feel my daughter dancing a jig every time I lay down. Mine seems to be heat related at the moment so I just need to remind myself to keep hydrated and cool.

I’m 18 weeks and experiencing the same thing…it’s good to know that it is normal. Take care.