Hi. I just joined this forum. Something I have not ever thought of doing. But…all my doctor wants to do is prescribe medicines; and, my brother Bob who is a year and a half younger with higher readings than mine has been taking these medicine and it hasn’t helped him at all. I have read (somewhere) that type 2 diabetes can be reversed without medicines. My readings were between 120 and 130 every morning about a year ago. Now they run from 150 to 170 after getting up in the morning. During the day it may drop to 120 but in the evening before bed they go up again to almost 170. I am walking about 1 and a half miles every other day and trying to watch my carbs and sweets. But my anxiety is increasing about my sugar levels. I am here now to listen and learn from the experiences of others and hope to benefit from what you all have learned. I look forward to reading your comments. I am 68 and raised 5 girls and 2 boys and retired at home (annoying my wife by my continual presence. Thanks for listening.
Hi Ron, I am pretty new here myself and I have already found lots of information and support. The people on this site are an incredible resource. A book I would recommend is One Week in the Zone by Dr Barry Sears. It approaches diet from the perspective of hormones instead of calories and I have found the food ratio guidelines to be essential. I heard about the zone diet first from an older family member who has researched this kind of material all of his life and then when I was struggling myself I remembered it and got this book at the bookstore. Within 24 hours I saw a difference in my BG readings. Of course you may have something else going on, but I would feel remiss not sharing this! Kind regards, Sarah
Hi Ron,
Welcome to the Internet’s finest diabetes community.
You might start by reading: my posts. I was where you are two years ago. I got scared and researched the heck out of this stuff.
You said a couple of things that concerned me a bit. You only walk a mile and a half every other day. I walk at least four miles a day… rain or shine. You also said, that you’re “trying” to watch your carbs and sweets. To that I would say, “Stop trying and just do it”. Replace all refined, packaged, processed, preserved, enriched, man made carbs (crap) with natural ones like raw fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts… you know, the kinds of foods our bodies were originally intended to eat. There’s good science behind this. It has to do with the unaltered nutrients helping to lower the insulin resistance and keeping our overworked pancreas healthy. Look into supplements. I take several. It all has to do with giving the body what it needs to regain its original health.
Here’s a few interesting articles that you might enjoy: Naturalnews.com article . Charles Weber article. Metformin article.
Also, you might want to check out my diabetes info page here: Craig’s diabetes page. It’s a bit out of date, but there’s still plenty of useful info there.
Glad to see you’re investigating this. Let’s get that A1C down under six. Mr. Peachy likes to say, “You can never know too much, when it comes to your health.”
Best wishes, Ron
- Craig
Thank you Sarah,
I appreciate your answer. I promise to look into the Zone by dr. Barry Sears. All I need to do now is to get my wife to work with me on this. Years of delicious Polish cooking (pastas etc.) I guess have taken its toll. Thanks again.
I also do appreciate your answer. The reference items you listed indeed make a person think. I will walk more and will go beyond “trying” to diet right. I do hope at 68 that I have enough time to reverse not only the bad habits but also to reverse the diabetes/insulin resistance cyple that I have allowed to creep up on me. Thanks again.
Hi Ron,
You’re retired… there’s plenty of time.
Seriously, my numbers were approaching yours less than two years ago at 55. Keep in mind that this thing takes a lot of patience, persistence, and positivity. Fourteen months after finding the right formula and stopping the Metformin, I’m still seeing signs of improvement… and I work full time. Hang in there, you can do it. Just don’t give up. The rewards of good health are worth every minute you invest in them.