Sweating and High Blood Sugars

I have been getting up in thed middle of the night sweating. Is this common with Diabetes? I also took my b/s and it was 178. That is high for me. Is there any reason for this? I didn't have anything swet before I went to bed.

Can someone give me some insight on this?


Well, your BS doesn’t have anything to do with how sweet your food is; it has to do with the carb content of your food. How carby was your last meal before you went to bed? And are you on any meds that could make you go low? If you went low that could make you sweat, and then your liver might dump glucose and make you go high.

I don’t know how common this is with type 2s not on insulin, but it could be that you’re dropping low while sleeping and then “rebounding” to a high level (your liver puts out glucose to raise the low level). If this happens regularly it might be worth setting an alarm clock for a half hour or hour earlier than it usually happens to check where your blood sugar is at.

To follow with the others yes sometimes it is better to have a light snack just before bed not the case for all this can be a low carb something worth a try and see what happens. Keep a record as to when it started with days times and what you ate and when so that you can take it to your PCP/Endo. Also if you are taking meds what time you are taking them and if oral what are you taking them with cna make a difference. Hope this helps you.

Thanks Frances. I had Lasgna at dinner…Ok I underatand that my sugar can go low. I should take it before I go to bed.
Thanks for replying

Hey Thanks Jen, I will keep my eye on it. That is a good idea or take it before I go to bed. I take Glimebiride and Janumet. Have a good day

The lasagna could definitely account for the 178 during the night, Larry. Lasagna is both very high carb and very high fat. What that means is that it will raise your blood sugar very high but sometimes the spike will be quite a bit later due to the fat content. It is also quite possible you were a lot higher than 178 earlier in the night. You might want to do some testing of blood sugars 2 hours after eating to see how different foods affect your blood sugars, and in the case of something like lasagna or pizza test 3-4 hours later as well. Most of us find we can’t eat those foods without getting a large spike.

As for the sweating during the night, it sounds like a dumb question, but are you sure the room wasn’t too warm? I was getting nightly sweats and my blood sugar was fine. When I stopped using my down comforter and went to a lighter quilt they stopped…duh!

It’s hard to know if you’d been low during the night, you can wake up with dried sweat that happened earlier and when you test you are not low, your liver can kick in and raise your blood sugar for you. Sometimes you can go very high and then your liver kicks in and you rebound too low. It would be hard to know for sure without knowing how long after eating you tested.

Yes, it is a good idea to test before bed to make sure you are in a healthy range to sleep (say 80-140). Lows are less common when you are not on insulin, but they can happen. But my main recommendation to you is to test after meals so you know the effect carbs have on your blood sugar. As others have said, it is not just sweets you need to be concerned with, but carbs.

Thanks Zoe for the info