I was recommended to take a statin by my endo 5 years ago; when my tests revealed with an LDL of 77. He said I had some risk factors for heart disease: diabetic, African-american, midde aged. He said that although my other cholesterol numbers were acceptable, but that he knew that I could not get my LDL under 70 without statins, in fact, in fact he said it was " impossible." Later, I got side effects, very low BP. I almost passed out in my backyard and in the drugstore. My blood pressuere was dangerously low, like 65/54. I had to have help to keep from fainting. Had muscle cramps and weakness from time to time.. I reported this,he changed me to Crestor. Similar effects. After about a three weeks of this, I stopped taking any of the statins. He said I was "non-compliant". I said, ""So be it."
I started taking Omega -3 gel capsules, 300 mg. 2-3x daiy. At the next appt, 3 months after, my LDL was 66. Every other reading was normal and I had an HDL of 89. I have continued to take the capsules and all is well.
My most current lipid panel( I get them checked 2x yearly, this report was late June 2012) was:
Total cholesterol 162; Trigycerides 34; HDL 101;Chol/HDL ratio 1.7;
LDL 54.
My doc looked at me with surpirse and said, " Now as I remember you are NOT on statins?" I told him ,"no, I am not." He said that he has never seen an LDL that low in his diabetic patients.
I think I do not have a need for statins and will never take them. A conscientious type 2 friend of mine, who doesnot takee statins either, told me that another relibale measure of cardiac disease risk was the c-reactive protein test, which measurse inflammation in the body. I got mine checked 2 or 3 years ago. I do not remember the exact number and have misplaced the paper, but it was rated at an "optimum" levels.
I do not know if my most curent lipid test are at any way related to my bood sugar control at the time. I am not proud to say my a1c was 7.9 at the time, due to the stress and the southern comfort food feasts during the months I was in Ga. when my father was ill and subsequently died..the rollercoaster ride blood glucoses did not apaear to effect my cholesterol levels at all. In fact, they tend to say low ALL the time.
It is probably genetics:I do not have a family history of heart diesease, none of the woMEN have Veer had heart disease and all of us tend to get thinner with age, rather than heavier; which is also a risk factore. No statins EVER for me.
I am back on my regular dietary and exercise regime now: moderate carbs 120-140 a day. I walk daily, taske dance classes weekly. I eat as much cheese and mayonaise and Olive oil as I want; a lot of leafy green veggies, and plenty of nuts. I have eggs 4-5 times a week.Lots of greek yogurt. I do nt really calorie count at all Carb count constantlyy and carefully . SWAG when I must ( or sometimes just WANT to) I am not a vegetarian, but i do not eat pork and take in very limited anounts of beef. Lots of fish
We are all so individual and unique in how diabetes effects us.
To the OP, would tell your partner to not start statins at all. It appears to me that you are both doing things that are benficial for your health. To me, He is not at risk.
God bless,
Type one 43 years
Age 57