T1, T1.5 or T2?

I think it has been documented that the attack does not cease and that type 1 are still making beta cells years later but they are still being killed off. I tested positive for the T cells that kill the beta cells in a research study. I am not sure what is going on with no anti bodies later but I have heard that too. Which is why I keep documentation in case a loonie ever tries to stop my insulin.

It is confusing. For some years, my BG slowly went up(to 180). Then all of a sudden, very quickly went up to almost 400 (thirst, peeing, losing weight). Was on oral meds for a few years then to insulin. It was my GP who diagnosed me, says I am Type 2 but the medical records he forwarded to my endo said I was Type 1. Endo gave me Ozempic which is for Type 2s, but it made me feel sick, gave it up. So, I just consider myself to be Type 1.75.

My initial C-peptide has dropped from 1.1 to .8 in the last couple of years.

A classic LADA! T1. And, yes, there are ignorant endos as well. Most specialize and not all of them are knowledgeable about diabetes. The old school GPs look at you and automatically classify you as T2 if you are not under the age of 18. Crazy! I donā€™t think there is another disease in existence with so much baggage! Sad because it is also so manageable if treated correctly.


The good thing about my GP, is his increased knowledge about diabetes. He talks to me about it and wants to know everything about my pump.

As for my endo, he has been written about in diabetes publications. I am still not sure what he actually thinks about me, says there are really only two kinds of diabetic, those requiring insulin and those that donā€™t. Next visit, I am going to ask him to go back into my records history, and show me the lab result tests. He would not have been the one to order them, and is going on what the CDE had written. The new CDE couldnā€™t find them.