I got my lab results back - what do you think?

My PMD sent some labs for LADA work up. Just got the results back. Currenly hold a T2 diagnosis, on a pump, very low TDD at 15-20 units per day, slightly overweight (lost 45 lbs this past year).

Cholesterol and triglycerides were awesome.

Insulin level 6.6 (normal 0-25)

C- peptide - 1.7 (normal 1.1-4.4)

Insulin antibodies - 6.6 (normal 0-5)

Islet cell antibody - negative

GAD - <1 (normal 0-1.5)

Last A1C in June was 5.7 (2 months on pump)

I guess I am considered a T2 still? Not hyperinsulinemic, c-peptide on the low side of normal (last c-peptide a year ago was like 5 or something and insulin level was over 30 I think) so kind of weird.

Thanks for your input.

I Forgot to add that I:C - 1:15 AM and lunch, 1:18 dinner, basal:bolus is about 50-50% split or 40/60 split.

That’s interesting. I’ve read that even some Type 2’s may have some antibodies, especially if they have some other autoimmune conditions… :slight_smile: I don’t have an answer for ya, but great job on the A1C!

Thanks. We are TTC, so I have been especially neurotic. Went to my endo today, and of course I didn’t have these in had until after the appointment - they came after the visit.

They were testing me to see if I was LADA. Have a slightly high insulin antibodies, but otherwise OK. So I am guessing that these labs don’t put me in the LADA group?

You are fortunate to have insulin and even more so a pump. I’ve not made any progress on access to insulin. Your labs don’t confirm a T1 diagnosis. You have some insulin antibodies, which may indicate T1, but could also be a slight allergic reaction to the exogenous insulin. I guess the real question is what you endo says, I mean he ordered these tests.

Personally, I’d encourage you to advocate for a T1 diagnosis. T2s are often treated as second class patients by doctors and insurers. Most insurers will not cover pumps for T2s.

I was very fortunate in that my insurance covered my pump (and supplies) on a T2 diagnosis when I started pumping 3 months ago.