The Auto Mode experience: 670G two weeks in

See my first thread on this topic–my first week, in Manual, I was wearing both. Far as I could tell they were about the same, maybe a bit of an edge in favor of MDT. Accuracy aside, another big plus for Guardian 3: connection drops. Having way fewer of those than with my Dexcoms.

Good point. I’m still finding the thing much harder to attach than my G5 (complicated taping that my MDT trainer wants me to do scrupulously by-the-book) and have been sticking to my abdomen and “love handles” b/c it’s easier to see what I’m doing. Used to use my upper arm with my G5, but never tried my calf. Hmmm… Anyway, my problem on the last two sensors is that they’ve been registering ~20u low compared to meter, particularly overnight. With an ordinary pump that’s not nearly such a big deal, but with this one, those numbers are directly controlling what the algorithm is telling the pump to deliver, so it really matters. In my case it’s offsetting the effect of dialing down my AIT somewhat. But taking it from 3 down to 2 is definitely improving things for me as well.